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Alright so it's no Secret that I haven't been managing Patreon very well.

I started Patreon to help fund my Equine Academy Comic, and ironically the stress being put on my Shoulders from Patreon is keeping me from further working on the Comic.

My first step to this is that Starting in September, I will be cancelling the "Every $40 you spend on my Patreon is a free Commission" program, and will be working on Replacing it with a new, more efficient system. If you've earned Commissions on this system and haven't redeemed them, that's fine. I'm not destroying the Commission Points you've earned. 

tl;dr starting next month, no more points will be added to the system. The amount of Commissions you've earned from this system will be locked in after this and you will not be able to earn more Commission Points. 

Now before you unpledge immediately. As an apology, All Patrons pledging $5 and up (and don't lower their pledge before the end of the month) will receive an additional Full Commission Point Towards the system before no more points be added to them.

Thank you everyone for supporting me, I look forward to providing art and comics for you in the future. My current Patreon is adding too much stress to me currently and I think this is the first step. I want to continue EQA, but before I can do that, I need less of a work load.



I'll still be here for you.


Thank you for letting us know. I hope you feel better soon, more importantly than art.