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     -What you can see in the link below is just a test scene that I did to train myself with some things like creating a landscape, anatomy and using 3d pony models and the final result , or something close to a preferable result  .

Link: https://files.catbox.moe/ku465e.mp4

      -Now I'm curious to see what you think about all this.  In my opinion, .... decent to ok, there is still a lot of room for improvement, but it's ok for now.

      -Unfortunately, even with this, I can't really do what I had in mind only because of my PC, which runs the risk of going super slow or simply crashing from very large and heavy scenes full of characters or gigantic landscapes. Even this scene did not go without any problems.

       -What I had in mind more precisely was to recreate a FanFiction that I loved it, in a Visual Novel/Book with a little animation as in the example above.

         -But because of your exceptional support, I am slowly getting closer to that goal, a new and very good Pc, and maybe I can make this project a reality.

         -Thanks again for the support and I hope you leave your opinion and suggestions about the project idea so I know if it's even worth the trouble.



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