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  • noT-toriel_P_30.mp4
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Finalized Drawing post 

Commission for Azbr on Discord! Based on their original Undertale Fic, "Dreamers's End".

Feat. a thing that is definitely NOT goatmom, but instead a horrifying entity that simply decided to mimic (try to mimic, honestly) goatmom. One funny detail, it can bleed.
A disturbing mass of determination and that went horribly wrong now is roaming around, and you do NOT want to be caught by it.

Wanna know more? Check out Dreamer's End on AO3

Man, I don't get to draw a lot of horror/scary stuff often but I like to show I can when I get the chance!

  • 1- Sketch: The 1st thing done is the body sketch and posing. I went for a hanging/marionette kind of posing, which is a more disturbing choice.
  • 2- Extra Sketch: The thing is supposed to be covered in bullet holes as intructed so I decided to add them to the sketch to get a better idea of what to do.
  • 3- Base Colors: With all the sketches done, I move in with the details necessary for the character, starting with the basic flat colors.
  • 4- Shadows: Then from flat bases I draw in the shadows and take care of simulating the feeling of texture where needed, I also add the details on the eyes too.
  • 5- Corrections: Erased some issues carried from the base coloring phase and also added more details while rebalancing the contrast.
  • 6- Blood: Added the bulletholes and the blood coming down along with the stained clothes.
  • 7- Background: A very simple background that I sketched very fast (all of it is in one layer, that's how simple it was, lol)
  • 8- Background touches: I made everything blurry and also darkened the end of the hallway. 
  • 9- Bg/Character implementation: I put the character and the background together.
  • 10- Last touches: Last but not least I add a simple gradient to make the red eyes pop out more and to make it scarier.



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