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As you might have noticed, I've been working on a pretty big NSFW project featuring Toriel under a strong mind control. Since we're getting close to the more nsfw parts I have to start brainstorming what ideas I want to include. However, one of them was to maybe switch the way Toriel behaves in the animation. I had a couple of ideas myself, but I wanted to ask you which type of mind control you prefer to see!

Type 1: Emotionless Control (Default)

Toriel does not have any emotion and her voice tone is always relaxed and compliant. She obeys every single order without question and responds to almost all commands with a dry "Yes" unless specified otherwise. All of her movements are sharp, quick and robot like. She can simulate any emotion on demand and also cannot lie.

Type 2: Zombified Control

Alternate version of the emotionless control except with a stoic and/or stupified face, drool included. Toriel obeys all orders no matter what, but doesn't talk at all and her movements are more clumsy.

Type 3: Compliant Control

This version supresses every feeling of anger/disgust while exacerbating every need to comply with what she's told, keeping every other aspect intact. In other words, Toriel will act perfectly normal and natural, keeping her usual personality. However, she cannot get angry at the controller/user no matter what they do, and will eventually obey every order she's given while acting completely normal. However, it's heavily recommended to wipe her memory clean before releasing the mind control. That way you can avoid altercations since she technically is aware of everything that you're doing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Type 4: Unaware/Invisible Control

Toriel acts completely and perfectly natural, giving the impression that there is no mind control taking place. However, the only difference is that she is completely incapable of mentally registering anything! The controller/user can do whatever they want, meaning that Toriel can't see, hear, taste, smell, or feel what is happening to her. For example: The controller/user could have their way with her all over the room, but she's still thinking that she's sitting at her desk. This form of mind control can be especially risky since Toriel could leave the premises at any time and come into contact with other people, getting you into trouble. Toriel may not realize anything's wrong, but that doesn't mean that no one will try to stop you... 


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