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  • T_Haydee_30.mp4
  • T_Haydee_60.mp4
  • T_Haydee_Full.mp4



Final product post 

Done completely on a whim, Hayriel came to my mind shortly after replaying Haydee on steam.
I suddenly got an excuse to put to good use my newfound skills with 3D modelling and created the most amazing mod anyone could've made for that game, and that is including Goat momma in it.

After I was done with the actual mod, I was so proud of it I decided to straight up draw some cover art of the character I had just created!

Steps taken:

  • 1- Rough sketch: The original sketch was done rather quickly in a moment of pure inspiration, however the excitement died down a bit when I found myself struggling with the positioning of the legs, which always seemed off.
  • 2- Sketch alt 2: On another sketch I tried a different position for the legs, but it looked even worse.
  • 3- Sketch alt 3: The sketch that made the cut was this one! A lovely pose for a lovely character!
  • 4- Sketch alt 4: However before going with the latest sketch, I tried to Redraw the pic from a top down perspective. While this sketch was not exactly bad looking, it wasn't as nice as the 3rd alt.
  • 5- Final sketch: Finally, I decided to resize the 3rd alt and fix a couple mistakes here and there. The title sketch got messed up but that's fine since it wasn't that important.
  • 6- Lineart: With the sketch finally done, I went on to add the clean detailed linework, fixing some hiccups on the sketch in the progress.
  • 7- Flat colors: With the lines in, I proceed to fill them all with the toriel palette and the haydee palette (which, fortunately is very simple) while also adding a very simple gradient to make the colors a little nicer.
  • 8- Thick lineart + color: For this pic I kinda wanted a sorta sticker look to it to make it different, so I went for some thicker lineart on the outside of the whole character! While also changing the color of the linework.
  • 9- Shading: Then I add a very simple shading to the flats, coloring the shadows to fit each color palette, with warmer tones for the fur and colder ones for the outfit. 
  • 10- Visual effects: Now a simple glow effect on all the zones that have a clear color which would reflect the light.
  • 11- Bg shadow: During the process of making this pic I was wondering on what to add to make the bg more stylish, so I started with a simple shadow on the back that mimics the shape of the goatmom. However I didn't really liked how this effect looked so I ended up scrapping it.
  • 12- Bg reflection: What I did like was the pic replay in the back! so I added it in a zoomed in style!
  • 13- Text: For the text I extracted the Haydee font from the main game (one which the developer kindly put within reach for everyone to use, thanks dev!) and used it to create both the title and the random text.



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