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  • Siba_Knight_30.mp4
  • Siba_Knight_60.mp4
  • Siba_Knight_Full.mp4



Finished product post

Download the attachments to watch the Timelapse videos!

UPDATED 10/10/2021: Added all the lineart stages + the coloring and effects stage
UPDATED 16/10/2021: Added All remaining stages and corrections + timelapse videos

October Patreon reward for Siba_Kusari!

Siba had joined a little late in the month so their rewards got a little delayed due to the time crunch. But now I'm picking up the pace!

  • 1-Sketch 1: The 1st sketch layer showcased the base body with the proper pose I was asked to do :)
  • 2-Sketch 2: The 2nd sketch was drawn on top of the last one showcasing all the clothes, and weapons the character was wearing!
  • 3- Lineart 1: The very 1st think I made in lineart was the shield because heavens know it was the most complicated thing out of the whole drawing. I had to use a simmetrical ruler to get it right because there's not a chance I'm drawing all that normally.
  • 4- Lineart 2: Next the lineart for the main character with all the clothes and armor. This step went through some revisions where I added some necessary details for the clothes.
  • 5- Lineart 3: Then I add on another layer the handle for the sword (which was quite complicated) and the shield (distorted to fit the forearm  as if he'd be wearing it)
  • 6- Lineart 4: Lastly I mask out and erase the overlapping lines to obtain the final lineart with all the proper details!
  • 7- Flat colors: Added all the basic colors. There were no clear color directions for the arm armor and the weapons so I had to improvise. These will be tweaked later.
  • 8- Gradients: Next is a set of 2 more layers where I add color gradients to make everything look less bland before adding the shading!
  • 9- Visual effects: The pic requires fire and shadow smoke effects, these are kinda tricky so it might take a little while before everything gets tweaked enough to look good. This is the original placement.
  • 10- Gradient corrections: After another revision from Siba I corrected the color of some of the gradients on the limbs to match the shadow trails behind them as well as some specific colors that didn't match the visual effects added before.
  • 11- Shading: Then I add the usual 3 layers with the shadows (2, on multiply, brown colored) and highlights (1, on overlay, yellow colored)
  • 12- Lightning Effects: Added several more layers with some airbrush strokes in different layer settings to further emphasize the light effects on the shield and some parts of the body
  • 13- Lightning Effects 2: As per the patreon's request, most of the lightning has to come from the shield, so I added some more layers to make eveyrhing darker around the body and more bright around the shield
  • 14- Extra effects: Finally, I was requested to add an extra beam of light shining on both the sword and the armored arm. This was tricky to get done but I think I got a fairly good result.



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