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Chapter 1: Undyne

UPDATE 04/10/21: Added some sketches to show some visuals of some of the scenes!

Finally continuing with the hypno story for Undertale!
Apologies for the wait. This chapter was much more difficult to write because it went through so many revisions. I had to rewrite several parts of it and reformulate the dialog with the help of my gf (who knows how to write) to make the characters feel more natural and the whole story more logical.

This chapter is longer and more specific with things!

Again, please do let me know what you think about this one! I'm very proud of how it came out <3! Enjoy!

Chapter 2: Toriel

The scene starts with Alphys in front of Toriel’s house, she looks a little nervous as she rings the bell. She shifts her feet back and forth a little and tucks her arms in. The soft, gentle voice of Toriel comes from inside.

T- “I am coming! One second please!”

Alphys gets even more nervous. Toriel opens the front door and looks down at her. she seems pleased to see her.

T- “Oh, Alphys! Such a pleasant surprise, what brings you here dear?”

Title of the comic appears in white over a black bg, plus the subtitle of the chapter. In the following pages, a little summary of some events after the 1stchapter appear, along with Alphys dialogue (off)

A(off) - “It’s been a couple weeks since I discovered this power”
A(off) - “And to be honest, it’s amazing”
A(off) - “Undyne has never even mentioned the events of that night, in fact she’s even happier than ever after seeing me be much more confident in myself!”
A(off) - “I’ve done some other tests with her too, like little petitions for her to do stuff here and there, and no matter how random these were, they would always get done.”
A(off) - “I’ve learned that the only way for this to have any effect is to have people look directly into the screen of this device, even if only for a second…”

The scene cuts back to the original Toriel house, the shot shows a front view of Toriel at the door, who’s smiling nicely.

A(off)  –“And today, I have to visit Toriel…”
A(off) - “I’m not gonna lie… I kind of want to test this on someone other than undyne… but…”

The next picture is the same face of toriel, but with a darker shading, made to look a little more unsettling

A(off) -“She’s a little… um… Intimidating.”
A- “H-hi Toriel! Um… I-I’m here to collect the new pillows. Undyne said you got them about a week ago?”
T- “Why yes! I have got them laying in my room! Come in come in!”

Alphys goes inside following Toriel.

A- “Great! Could I get them now then? S-sorry again we had to rely on you with them!”
T- “Do not worry, it is alright! And, err… yes you can. But would you like to have some pie before you do? It has been a while since you last visited us!”
A- “Uhhh… a-are you sure?”
T- “Of course! Please, I insist”

Alphys smiles a little awkwardly, but tries to sound extroverted enough

A- “Okay then, yeah! Yeah I guess I can”
T- “Splendid! Wait here for a bit, I will go get some”

Alphys sits on one of the sofas in the living room. Everything seems very tidy, organized and clean. The decorations are pretty and everything smells nice. Alphys thinks to herself while looking around

A- “Wow, Toriel really is very tidy with her house! She’d probably lose her head if she were to look at our place and see how messy it can be sometimes!”

Toriel interrupts her thoughts momentarily by talking to her from the kitchen nearby.

T- “Would you like some fresh orange juice? I could also get you some water if you want!”
A- “O-oh! Yeah juice sounds good! T-thank you!”
T- “Okay then!”

Alphys goes back to thinking.

A- “She’s always been so nice to us… and Frisk always speaks wonders about her all the time…”
A- “But to be honest…

Alphys sighs

A-“…she scares me”
A- “Dang it Undyne, why did you have to be busy today?! I’m not really that confortable coming here on my own!”

A little picture of undyne giving a thumbsup shows as a fragment of a memory with a little message from her

U- “I can’t go get your things today babe, but don’t worry! You know your way around!

Alphys hunches back

A- “I’m just scared of what she thinks of me after all this time”
A-  “She says it’s in the past, but I still fear she might dislike me ever since I was found out over that horrible mistake with… the amalgamates…”

Alphys looks down, sad expressions in her face

A- “I know I said I would own up to my mistakes but I… I can’t shake off this feeling that she’s lying to my face about some stuff whenever she’s kind to me…. After all she was the one who got the most upset after finding out about “that”. Can’t blame her for it tho.”
A- “It’s just… the way she looks at me… it feels… fake.”
A- “To be perfectly fair, we don’t really have that much of a relationship. I do know Asgore a little, but I don’t know a whole lot about Toriel, except for the things he told me about her. In fact, most of my relationship with her stems from Frisk since they like to visit us from time to time.

The next dialogue is to be shown with a picture of Toriel smiling kindly as always

A- “She really intimidates me, and yet… I kinda sorta… like-…”

Toriel interrupts her thoughts by coming back with two plates with pie slices and two glasses of orange juice. She places them on the little coffee table in front of her and alphys

T- “Sorry for the wait!”
T- “I was making a little more juice. I had forgotten Frisk drank a lot lately! Hee hee”

Alphys thinks to herself while looking at her

A- “She’s got a nice laugh”

Alphys speaks up, being as normal as she could.

A- “I-it’s no problem! I appreciate it!”
T- “Welcome you are!”
A- “Where is Frisk by the way? Are they not around?”
T- “Oh, no. They are away for a few days, on a little school excursion in the forest nearby”
A- “Oh, I see”

A short moment of silence comes between the two. Shot shows both Alphys and Toriel facing each other, both smiling. The silence starts becoming awkward. Alphys sweats a little. Toriel, too.

A- (Thinking to herself) “Jeez it’s hard to talk to this lady”
T- “So how have you been Alphys? How is Undyne doing with her job?”
A- “She’s doing fine! We both are! It’s lovely to see every day shine over us whenever we go out!”
T- “That is lovely!”
A- “And how’s the school doing? Have you started teaching human kids yet?
T- “Yes! Oh Alphys you would love to see them learning! The school I teach in is so very pretty! And everyone there is so nice as well!
A- “That sounds awesome!”

The same silence appears, both characters smiling at each other

A- (Thinking to herself) “Something feels off about this…”

This time Alphys starts to eat and drink to pass the conversation. She speaks with her mouth half full

A- “phis is prephy gooph!”
T- “Do not speak with your mouth full dear! It is bad manners! Hee hee!”

Toriel corrects Alphys with a warm smile while she also eats a bit of her own pie, Alphys gets a tad embarrassed and quickly gulps it down.

A- “S-sorry!”
T- “It is alright!”
A- “By the way… Sorry again to ask you to receive these packages for us! We could not get them ourselves at the time”
T- “Well… about that…”

Toriel looks a little uneased and looks to the side placing a hand on her chin elegantly. Alphys doesn’t read the mood and instead looks happy to be having a conversation

A- “…Yeah?”
T- “My apologies Alphys, but young Frisk got a little too excited about packages arriving here, and… They opened them even though I told them not to.”

Alphys gets pale, and shows a crooked smile

A- “…Huh?”
T- “And I wanted to talk to you about that…  I am truly sorry but I could not help but looking inside”

Alphys looks more pale and more distressed, but soon goes back to normal, trying to defuse the situation.

A- “I-it’s okay!! It’s no big deal! I’m sure they didn’t just take out everything to show”
T- “Well… not really, if you know that I mean”

Toriel puts a hand on her mouth again and looks to the side. Alphys gets extremely shocked and sweats a lot, in the same picture you see a dildo and a body pillow of mew mew kissy cutie as if Alphys is thinking about them. She thinks to herself.


Back outside, Alphys tries to keep her composure in her seat in the living room, even though she’s clearly failing at it, trembling and her face red from the embarrassment.

A- “…O-Oo-oh… I-I… I see… heheheh… heh… heh”

Toriel takes a sterner stance now. She looks serious, but not fully threatening.

T- “Yes, I am afraid I had to explain a good number of things to Frisk after that, even though they’re not ready for “the talk” yet.”
T- “Fortunately they did not really think too much of it, and instead dismissed it as just Alphys stuff”

Toriel does quotes with her hands while explaining those last couple of words. Alphys is shaking from embarrassment, and almost looks like she’s about to cry.

T- “Alphys, I know you were not expecting us to pry into your private mail, and for that I am genuinely sorry. But before you go today I would like to ask you to PLEASE not bring in any… objects… that could be questionable”

Alphys doesn’t look at her face, she just hunches back, puts her hands on her lap and nods.

A- (Thinking to herself) “Oh no… she’s gonna HATE ME NOW for sure!!! I’m so stupid! I should’ve never tried to get those things in the first place! I’M SUCH AN IDIOT! I HATE THIS!”
T- “I know this was an accident and it is not really your fault, but next time you buy something of the sort, please refrain from asking me to store it here for you.”

Alphys doesn’t respond. She keeps trembling

T- “Do I make myself clear?”
A- “…Y-yes…”
A- “I-I’m s-sorry” *sniff*

Alphys cannot contain her tears any longer and sheds some while struggling to keep composure. Toriel notices this and eases up on her.

T- “Oh Alphys I am sorry, I did not mean to be so harsh, but I need you to understand.”
A- “Yes, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Toriel…”

Toriel tries to break the ice by making up a conversation to forget the confrontation.

T- “To be honest I had absolutely no idea those things even existed! I am a little too old to be in the know about those things! Hee hee”
A- “Yes…”
T- “If I am allowed to be honest, I am surprised you had those tastes! Hee hee”
T- “Young people these days do so many crazy things!”

Alphys tries to smile to show appreciation to Toriel’s words

A- “Heheh… yeah”

Alphys speaks softly, almost as if she didn’t want to be heard. She’s completely intimidated by her despite her words

T- “Seems like you have even more… interesting stuff to show about yourself!”
A- “…Eh?”
T- “I mean, I was very surprised when I learned you were-“

Toriel catches her own tongue before speaking further, as if she was about to say something bad.

T- “Err… I’m sorry I made this awkward.”
A- “I was what…?”
T- “It’s nothing! Really! Don’t worry about it!“

Toriel seems a little nervous and Alphys notices this

T- “Anyway I took the time to wrap everything up in black bags so nobody will know what it is!”
A- “W-wait…! I-I mean thanks but-“
T- “I’ll get you the boxes now. Please wait”

Toriel leaves in kind of a hurry, while Alphys sits alone in the living room. She starts thinking to herself

A- “She was about to say something else about me… but what?”
A- “I… I can’t stand this! What does she really think of me? Does she hate me?? I need to know!”
A- “And this whole mess… it’s so embarrassing! I should…-!

Alphys stops for a second.

A- “I couldJust use the device and delete this whole issue!...”

Toriel is coming down the stairs with some boxes, alphys keeps thinking to herself

A- “Frisk isn’t here to interfere, and she’s alone in the house! I can just use this thing, get what I want and get out like nothing happened! But…- Can I really…-?”

Toriel gets closer with the boxes. Alphys looks at her, sweating

A- (Thinking to herself) “Oh god there’s no time! I-I have to do this now while she’s looking at me! NOW!”
T- “Okay! Here you go! If you waN-…”

Toriel stops dead in her tracks, and shortly after she drops all the boxes to the ground. Her eyes go pink as she relaxes her body, looking at the device alphys has pointed at her. Alphys breath gets heavier, as if she had just finished debating on a tough decision.

A- “T-Toriel…”
A- “Can you hear me, Toriel?”
T- “Yes”

Toriel’s voice is soft, compliant and submissive. Alphys on the other hand has a serious expression on her face.

A- “You will answer truthfully to each and every one of my questions, you understand?”
T- “Yes, I understand”
A- “Sit back down on that sofa, facing me”
T- “Yes”

Toriel does exactly as she says.

A- “Okay first of all, when you wake up from this hypnosis you will forget EVERYTHING about the contents of the boxes in my mail, got it?
T- “Yes”
A- “Alright… what were you going to say earlier before you stopped yourself?”
T- “I was going to say that I was very surprised when I learned you were a lesbian”

Alphys grips the device harder.

A- (To herself) “Oh no…”
A- “Oh? Is that so?”
T- “Yes”
A- “And what do you think about them?”
T- “They are very nice.”

Alphys’s head perks up

T- “I think they are people who are a little confused about what they like. But I do not hold any resentment towards them. I think they are wonderful people, even if I do not really understand why they act the way they do.”
A- “You don’t hate them?”
T- “Of course not”
A- “Okay that wasn’t so bad…”

Alphys is relieved for a second, but soon goes back to serious mode. Alphys hesitates to ask, but eventually does so, as in fear of the answer.

A- “Toriel… do you lie often?”
T- “Yes, I do”
A- “Have you lied to me before”
T- “Yes I have”
A- (To herself) “I knew it!”
A- “Ok, Now… Tell me what do you think of me”
T- “I think your teeth look nerdy but cute”
A- “Oh… okay”
T- “I think you are a very awkward and shy monster who does not know how to have a proper conversation, it is annoying when you stutter so much even though you have a pretty voice. I think you should talk more to people and try to make more friends.”

Alphys seems taken aback from this statement

A- “Guh…”
T- “I really dislike how you do not have good posture when you walk, your glasses are too small for your face, and I find it incredibly rude that you do not look me in the eye when you speak to me”
A- (To herself, sad)“I try my best!”
T- “You eat too much junk food, so I know you are unhealthy. Given how you do not take care of yourself, I have been wanting to suggest eating snails to you but never found the right time to tell you. I think this diet would suit you just fine”

Alphys this time sounds slightly offended.

A- “D-diet?!”
T- “You do not seem like the type of monster who can get things done properly, and is deficient at her work, which ever it is. You should take things seriously and apply yourself to them”

Alphys looks at her like a child who just disappointed her parents. Toriel keeps on talking with a straight face, looking to the nothingness, with the same calm voice.

T- “If you were not so reckless and careless with yourself and your work all the time…”

Her eyes get wide in shock

A- “N-no…”
T- “…then perhaps the incident at the royal lab would have never happened”

Some small tears form around Alphys’s eyes.

T- “Such a horrible disaster that was”
A- “No…!”

Alphys looks fragile, hunching in her own seat.

T- “And while I am happy you are more honest with yourself, a part of me still cannot trust you entirely… perhaps some day, but… not today. Or tomorrow for that matter.”

Alphys voice breaks while speaking. She’s now crying

A- “B-but… but…”
T- “Your little package incident today should be proof enough of your immaturity”

Toriel stops speaking inmediately after the order, so fast as if almost time had stopped on her. She maintains the same facial expression she had while speaking, her eyes still looking to the nothingness. Alphys wipes her tears.

A- “I’m s-sorry… I shouldn’t have asked that…"

Alphys keeps looking down.

A- “Wait… no! You know what? I’m glad I did!”
A- “I’m a lot better than you think! I’m confident in myself now! I’m much braver than before!”
A- “I-I’m gonna prove it! Y-you just watch!”

Alphys head perks up with an idea and squints her eyes looking suspiciously at her.

A- “Wait a second… Toriel… Did Frisk really open my boxes…?”
T- “Yes”
A- “All of them?”
T- “No”

Alphys’s eyebrows go up

A- “Did you open the rest of them?”
T- “Yes”

Alphys looks at Toriel sheepishly

A- “Ohhhh… So it wasn’t just Frisk here huh…”
A- “You knew what the toys in there were… didn’t you Toriel?”
T- “Yes”

Alphys giggles with hands on her mouth

A- “Did you use them?”
T- “No”
A- “Did you wish you could try them?”
T- “Yes”

Alphys stands up and points at her like she just found the culprit of a crime. She looks lively

A- “AHA!!”
A- “Seems like mommy isn’t a saint after all!”
A-“Why did you invite me here? It couldn’t have been to just try some pie!”
T- “To try to talk some sense into you about your purchases”

Alphys points at her again.

A- “AHA!! You wanted to wash your hands off your little peeping! So evil!”

Alphys walks back and forth with her hands on her back

A- “One more question for you miss perfect…”

Alphys, with her back towards Toriel, turns her head to look at her, confidently with a smirk

A- “Are you perhaps… sexually frustrated?”
T- “Yes”

Alphys turns around suddenly and points at Toriel very dramatically, just like in the ace attorney games (will parody this in the pic)

A- “I GOT YOU NOW! You think you can just trick me into thinking this was my fault?!”
T- “No I-…”

Alphys talks over Toriel, completely disregarding her response

A- “Nice try miss kinky, you’re not fooling me!”
A- “You pry in my mail… you think badly of me… you make me cry…”
A- “You’ve been… BAD… Toriel”

Alphys’s face turns into an evil grin. Looking at Toriel from the side

A- “You shouldn’t be so dishonest with your feelings all the time”
A- “Don’t you think you should be punished a little for lying to people so much?
T- “I do not-…”

Alphys interrupts her again.

A- “Thought so~!”

Alphys looks at Toriel’s large chest under her shirt

A- “And I just so happen to know the best punishment for you…”

Alphys walks towards Toriel innocently with her arms behind her back. Then suddenly she reaches and squeezes Toriel breasts. Her nose is bleeding.

A- “The Ecchi punishment!”

Toriel doesn’t react at all, but alphys gets blown away by them (Ecchi anime style) and instead just fondles them through the clothes

A- “They’re so… soft!”

Alphys regains her composure, trying to not be impressed

A- “I-I mean…”
A- “Not so smug now huh? I’ll teach you not to be mean to me!”
A- “Lift your shirt and show me what you got!
T- “Yes”

Toriel quickly shows her breats between her bra and her shirt to alphys. Alphys looks very much in a state mixed with euphoria and horniness. She stares at them while getting her face closer and closer.

A- “Shy nipples… Oh my god”
A- “I’ve never thought I’d see anyone actually have them…”

Alphys is breathing heavily, nose bleeding more. She looks at Toriel’s breasts, then at her, then back at her breasts.

A-“…Fuck it”

Alphys starts groping and licking them. Again Toriel doesn’t do anything about it.

A- “I’ll punish you very hard for what you did Tori…”

Cut to Toriel now sitting on the couch, fully naked with her legs wide open in a very revealing position.

A- (in her mind) “Oh my god how are you so flexible…”
A- “You’re very flexible aren’t you?”
T- “Yes, I do pilates”

Alphys looks at her annoyed.

A- “…That was a rethorical question!!”

Alphys starts licking her pussy, then her breasts while fisting her, Toriel stays in the same numb emotionless expression while she’s doing so. Alphys catches on this.

A- (To herself) “This doesn’t look very hot…”
A- “Toriel, now you’ll feel everything I do to you, and will react accordingly. But you will NOT move an inch no matter what I do.”

Toriel suddently snaps from her idle expression and becomes sentient again.

T- “Ah!”

Her face shows sexual arousal and bedroom eyes.

T- “Aaaahhn… <3”
T- “Y-yes…”
A- “Let’s see how much self control you really have…”

Alphys stats teasing Toriel’s body in all places, touching and licking everywhere, Toriel does not leave her position but instead tries to refrain from moaning, clearly struggling to not feel the arousal.

A- “Anyway you wanted to use my dildo didn’t you?”
T- “Yes…”

Alphys takes the dildo out of the box and licks her lips. Despite her harmless appearance she looks very dominant. She adopts a deep voice, trying to sound seductive while holding the big dildo

A- “Well Toriel it’s your lucky day! I’ll give you permission to use it”
A- “Maybe you’ll like me a little more after this <3”

Then the comic follows up with a series of pictures featuring Alphys having sex with Toriel. Alphys is aggressively fucking Toriel with the dildo while talking to her

A- “You’ll like me better now wont you Toriel”
T- “Yes!”

Alphys looks more into it and amps up the sex talk

A- “You’ll love me, won’t you Toriel!”
T- “Yes!”

Alphys goes full horny

A- “Say you love me!”
T- “I love you!”
A- “Do you want my forgiveness?”
T- “YES!!”
A- “If you want me to forgive you you have work for it!”

Alphys gets very turned on and keeps making toriel say naughty things

A- “Say Please forgive me Alphys-chan!”
T “Please forgive me Alphys-chan!
A- “Say I’m sorry alphys-chan!”
T- “I’m sorry alphys-chan!”

Alphys is hugging Toriel, indulging herself in her body.

A- “Y-your fur is so soft and w-warm…! It’s…”

Alphys looks at Toriel who is definitely feeling the pleasure. Alphys looks extremely aroused.

A- “Addictive!”
A- “Moan for me Toriel! M-moan for me! <3”

Toriel makes an ahegao face while moaning severely.

Cut to a different sex scene. At some point alphys makes toriel cuddle and lick the body pillow of mew mew in a degrading way.

A- “If you want my forgiveness, do this”
T- “hmmm”

Alphys breathes heavily at the kinky sight of this.

A- “You can be really sexy when you try Tori”
A- “S-see? It’s not so bad to like these things”

Toriel responds erotically

T- “Yess…”

Then at some other point she makes Toriel masturbate in front of her. Alphys is being pervy with a mischievous smile

T- “Please forgive me mistress… P-please forgive me mistress…”
A- “You have to do it harder!”

Toriel’s body starts to react to the pleasure, making her voice shake

T- “P-please…”

Alphys sounds more and more pervy and deranged as time goes on.

A- “I can’t hear youu~…”

After all the sex, the scene cuts to Alphys on top of Toriel who’s on the couch

T- “I love you alphys-chan”
A- “That’s more like it Toriel”
T- “Please forgive me alphys-chan”
A- “Hmmm… maybe if you clean this whole mess, could you please?”
T- “Yes alphys-chan”
A- “Good girl”

Toriel gets up and starts picking up stuff from the ground, and cleaning everything all while naked. Meanwhile, Alphys gets comfy on the sofa, takes the orange juice that Toriel had put for herself from the table and drinks it. Alphys seems almost like a different person, confident and laid back.

A- “Oh yes… even the mighty Toriel does what I say”
A- “I think I’ll forgive you Tori! haha”

Alphys gets a call on her smartphone (which was somewhere on the floor) Alphys picks it up and sees who’s calling her.

A- “Eh?”
A- “U-undyne?!”

Alphys answers the phone.

A- “Hey, Undyne”
U- (Through the phone) “Hey babe! it’s been a while since you went to Toriel’s place. You doing alright?”

Alphys looks out the window. it’s getting darker.

A- “Oh…”
A-“Uh… Yeah! I’m doing wonderful! I just uh… I’ve just been eating some pie and chatting up with Toriel for a bit”

While Alphys is speaking, Toriel keeps cleaning everything in the background.

U- “Oh okay then! Is she there now? I wanna say hi to her!”

Alphys sweats a little and turns around to look at Toriel, still cleaning while naked.

A- “Uh, s-she’s kinda busy upstairs doing something. I dunno what, I’m downstairs drinking some orange juice! I asked for another portion of pie. It’s really good baby!

During the phone call, Toriel comes next to Alphys. Alphys hands over the empty glass to Toriel, who silently walks away. Alphys gently slaps Toriel’s ass cheek when she walks away

U- “Haha! Alright, I’ll probably come pick you up in a bit. it’s getting kinda late.
A- “Okay! I’ll be waiting here! I love you babe!”
U- “Love you too! Bye bye!“ *kiss sound*

Alphys hangs up and gets comfy again.

A- “Yeah… nothing can ruin this”

The doorbell rings less than a second after finishing her sentence

A- “EugH-…?!”

Alphys jumps from the sofa, her face suddenly becomes goofy and funny like a cartoon.

A- “W-what the fuck?”

Alphys grabs her clothes and starts getting dressed very fast. Toriel is still cleaning when Alphys goes to her. Trying to put her bra on, Alphys speaks very quietly and fast.

A- “Toriel take your clothes and go to your room. Put some of your casual clothes on fast, and when you’re done, you’ll come back down, wake up, and act completely natural as if we had spent this whole time chatting normally!”
T- “Yes, Alphys-chan”
A- “And stop calling me that!”
T- “Yes”

Toriel picks up all her clothes fast and runs to her bedroom upstairs. Alphys gets all her clothes and runs to another room to change.
On the outside is Sans, patiently waiting at the door.

S- “Huh… that’s weird”
S- “T always says something whenever she’s too busy to open the door”
A- (Quietly) “Oh shit it’s Sans! What is he doing here?!”

Sans rings the bell again

S- “Tori? You there T? Just wanted to give you something real quick!"

Alphys has already dressed herself and is back in the living room about to finish tidying everything up before she notices her own panties (that she forgot to take) on the floor

A- *gasp*

Cut to sans outside

S- “Welp, I guess she’s just not home. kind of weird for her to leave the lights on though”

Cut to inside. Alphys sighs with relief, then cut back outside

S- “Guess I’ll have to enter using the key you gave me!”

Cut to inside. Alphys panics and desperately tries to reach for her panties when Sans opens the door and walks in the living room.

S- “Eh-?”
A- “aA-…”

Alphys is kneeling down, she gets up and hides her panties behind her.

A- “Oh hi Sans! I didn’t see you come in!”
S- “Hey, alphys. Sup?”
S- “I uh… didn’t think you’d be here. why didn’t you open the door?”
A- “Oh you know, I didn’t know who it was so…”
S- “That’s weird… I called for someone”
A- “I didn’t hear you”

Alphys sounds defensive in the last statement, she quickly realizes this and acts normal again.

A- “S-sorry I really didn’t”
S- “Err… it’s alright, don’t sweat it. Anyway where’s Tori?
A- “Oh she went upstairs to do something”

Both characters hear the sound of someone coming down the stairs.

S- “That must be her”

Sans walks to the stairs calmly while Alphys takes the chance to put her panties in one of her boxes.

S- “Hey T sorry to come uninvited but-…”

For a split second, Sans notices that Toriel looks weird. like looking at nowhere like a robot, before inmediately acting completely normal as always.

T- “Oh hello Sans! Where did you come from, friend?”
S- “Err… I just came through the front door. Just wanted to give you something personally. Papy told me to do so, heheheh”
T- “Ooo! Let me see”

Sans hands over the gift to Toriel.

S- “It’s a little wooden bust of you with a letter. He wanted to say thanks for your help with his cake in that little contest he had”
T- “My goodness it is so pretty! Your brother is truly talented!

Soon after, the doorbell rings again. Alphys hurries up to the door and opens it.

A- “Baby!”
U- “Hey babe, you ready to go?”
A- “Sure!”

Toriel and Sans walk up to them

T- “Greetings Undyne! Such a pleasant surprise to see so many people visiting me today! Hee hee
U- “Heya Toriel! How are you? I’m just here to pick up Alphys. Lemme just get these boxes and put them in the car”

While Undyne is loading everything, sans and Toriel, along with alphys, are talking.

S- “So what have you girls been up to?”
T- “Oh, we were just chatting while eating some pie!”
A- “Yeah!”
S- “Oh that sounds nice, what did you talk about?”

Toriel stays quiet for a second

T- “I… I-I do not remember”

Alphys notices this, and inmediately interjects to try and defuse a possibly bad situation.

A- “Oh Y-y’know! we talked about her job at the school mostly! Haha, I-I don’t remember all the topics we talked about either”
S- “Awesome”
T- “Oh by the way, Alphys…”

Alphys turns to Toriel really fast, as if she had been caught for a second.

A- “Y-yeah?”
T- “I am quite curious to know what it is that you bought”

Alphys eyes dart back and forth for a bit. She sweats a little when she responds.

A- “Oh it’s something very necessary for my studies! And my lab and stuff!”
T- “Oh, I see”

Sans stays silent while looking at Alphys.

A- “I-it’s kinda specific so I won’t bore you with the details”

Undyne finishes loading the stuff in the car

U- Alphys! We’re good to go!
A- “Ok, guys, I’ll see you later! Gotta go! Thank you so much for helping us out Toriel!”
T- “The pleasure is all mine!”

Both Toriel and Alphys wave at each other, as well as Undyne and sans, saying goodbye for the day.

Final scene with Toriel and Sans

S- “Welp, I better get going T. Papy needs his bedtime story soon”
T- “I see. Thank you so very much for coming Sans! Though this was a much shorter visit than usual”
S- “I can come back tomorrow if you want!”
T- “That would be wonderful Sans!”
S- “Yeah! But uh… I gotta ask you.
T- “Yes Sans?”
S- “Doesn’t it smell weird in here?”
T- “What do you mea-…”

Toriel quickly smells the living room

T- “Oh you are right… it does smell weird in here…”

The last page is a black background with a sole text in white saying “That is… Strange…”

End of Chapter 2

To be continued in Chapter 3


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