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  • Leaf_Som_Fuk_30.mp4
  • Leaf_Som_Fuk_60.mp4
  • Leaf_Som_Fuk_Full.mp4



Final version post 

These were all the steps taken to create the lastest reward for Leaf!

  • 1- Early rough sketch: During the 1st iterations of the sketch phase, I was trying to get a feeling for the proper posing I was gonna go for, based off the refs I was kindly given by Leaf, I made this rough sketch for them to check and let me know if it was good to go.
  • 2- Revised sketch: In the earlier sketch I ran into the problem of arm blocking some of the view, so I had to redraw part of the pose to get it out of the way
  • 3- Revised sketch 2: More revisions including face addition for the gal, better tweaks to the peen and vagene, the most important change is the legs on the lucario, since they were meant to be more feral like.
  • 4- Final sketch: On the final sketch I added the tails properly, and did some changes to the bottom girl.
  • 5- Lineart: After everything was ready to go, I laid out all the clean lines along with all the details needed! specially the fur effects!
  • 6- Flat colors: Added all the colors based off the designs and ref sheets I was given
  • 7- Gradients: Then I added all the final colors and gradients to fully complete the character designs!
  • 8- Background (BG) Base: For the Bg I started with several layers each with flat colors and shapes to work as bases before adding all the shading needed.
  • 9- BG Details: Then, on top of every base for every element, I add a folder with several layers with different colors (using watercolor brush)
  • 10-  BG Lightning: Then I add all the shadows needed in the bg with an airbrush, on multiply.
  • 11-  BG character integration: I put both the characters and the bg together and I hide some parts of the characters to blend in better.
  • 12- Shading and shadows: Added environmental shadows as well as shading on the characters while also coloring the lines!
  • 13- Final effects: Last but not least, I add glow effects and one or two extra stuff like the blushes, and the body fluids ;)



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