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Final version

Here's all the steps done to create the lastest commission for Brodash!

  • 1- Sketch: As always, I start with a basic rough sketch to get al the basics down.
  • 2- Lineart: Then I move on to the clean lines to make sure the design is final. 
  • 3- Flat colors: I add the most basic colors from the character to differentiate all the sections of it.
  • 4- Lineless colors: And then I merge both the lines and the colors together in a same layer to get the shape I need (since the final product will not feature any real lineart), I also keep a copy of the lineart layer for later use.
  • 5- Gradients: Before starting with anything I select all 4 colors featured so far and inside them I add some gradients so they look better.
  • 6- Color patterns: Now that everything is in place, I go ahead and add the rest of the necessary color patterns found on the fur (based off the character references) I also add the portuguese flag as per client request! ;)
  • 7- Shading 1: Now for the tough part, I start with two different layers with each shadows (dark reddish brown) and lights (vibrant orange), in two different colors and roughly trace them over the colors already in place while giving them a fur-like look.
  • 8- Shading 2: I improve on the shading by creating two more layers following the same principle except this time giving more enphasis on the shadows and lights.
  • 9- Shading 3: Finally for the shading I add more environmental light coming from the "dark" sections to give it an even further illusion of realism and lightning. Now the piece is basically done at this point
  • 10- Extra details: Now I just add the last details featured on the character's design, which are some paw tattoos on each buttcheek and an clit piercing.
  • 11- Extra effects: Last but not least, I add some extra bloom effects and shadows and voila! Commission complete! ^^



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