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Final version

Here are all the steps taken to create the lastest reward!

  • 1- Early sketch: In this occasion I'm drawing two characters interacting with each other, so I started with a rough sketch mostly focusing on the breasts of the characters (since that's the part where they touch basically) without much detail. 
  • 2- Sketch fixes 1: I reposition the sketch in the canvas and fix Loup's (left char) mouth to fit better in the situation, I also make the breasts bigger by patreon's request
  • 3- Final sketch: I fix some proportion inconsistencies on Yu's (Right char) head as well as adjusting the size of the thighs and legs.
  • 4- Clothes sketch: I add the clothes sketch on top of the last one on a new layer following some refs I've got
  • 5- Further fixes: I make the head bigger for Yu and also get the clothing right after realizing I was using old references for their clothes lol. And I add a litle height comparison as well
  • 6- Lineart: I finally move on to the clean lineart getting all the details in.
  • 7- Flat colors 1: I add the basic colors for the characters.
  • 8- Flat colors 2: On a second layer I add all the remaining colors needed for the characters to be complete, including proper shading on the eyes.
  • 9- Background 1: Now I move on to the background, laying the basic foundation between land and sky.
  • 10- Background 2: I add some basic trees using the marker tool, and use a leaf/branch brush to create the top of the trees.
  • 11- Background 3: I add all the remaining details to the background to make it look less fake (altough I didn't really bother too much with the details to be honest) this includes extra trees on the back, some shading in the sky, several extra layers of leaves in the trees, and a quick attempt to add grass on the ground.
  • 12- Extra effects: I finalize everything by adding some bloom/glow effects to simulate how strong the daylight is, and also add a little shadow below the characters to connect them to the BG
  • 13- BG tweak: A last minute change where I reduce the height of the trees to further enhance the perseption that these two are TALL ladies
  • 14- Effect tweak: A small tweak to the lightning effects I had from the last step
  • 15- Info: And at last, the little height comparison in a different layer, using the overlap setting so it blends into the picture not drawing attention from the girls.



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