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Hey everyone! I've got an important announcement to make, and I would love to hear your thought about this:

I'm upping up the prices for my Artwork/Illustration commissions, and I'm also setting limited slots for the higher tiers in the platform.

There are several reasons for these decisions, and I want to share them with you all so you can all understand why this is happening:

  • TLDR list of reasons on why I change prices now and in the future:
  • Not enough money per work hour
  • Overwork prevention
  • I've reached an acceptable amount of skill to justify the price
  • I've acquired a recognizable enough style to further justify the price
  • I'm very flexible with drawing topics and I barely reject requests
  • I offer constant free edits and revisions during the feedback process
  • I offer Extremely big pictures in 300 dpi (more time spent in rendering)
  • I believe I offer good customer service and treatment.
  • I believe I work faster than the usual artist.
  • I'd like to entice more people into joining us in Patreon!

If you wanna know how did I come to these conclusions, you can read the following, otherwise skip to the end:

I've been doing some serious tracking of my time spent working on commissions and found out I've been putting quite a lot more hours than I originally thought I did on every commission. On top of that, I've gotten several new patreons in the last few days (which is CRAZY, thank you so much guys!) and with new patreons come new rewards and extra work that comes along the regular commissions, by upping the prices not only I decrease the demand for commissions but also make it worth it every time I get one. Of course I love working on commissions and art but the last thing I want is to bite more than I can chew and dissapoint my clients by delaying their commissions.

While those two reasons above are the main ones, I've also gathered feedback from both friends and customers, including people who are into art and and people who are not, and the majority concluded that I'm undercharging considering my current level of skill and overall style.

In retrospective, I've also realized I spend extra time doing revisions, asking for feedback and or changes asked by clients. I do my very best to make sure customers get something they're satisfied with, and in doing so I sadly sacrifice time.
I also noticed I'm someone who is very flexible with a wide variety of topics, while there are several artists that state the things they will or won't draw, I mostly go with everything (except for few specific topics I personally reject) and I think that flexibility is grounds for asking for some more, and to top it all off I've noticed I work faster than the averange artist and offer a very professional treatment with commission work along.

And last but not least, I want to entice people into supporting me on this platform as well, I've seen some grow and I think it's time I get serious with this, these changes will make the patreon tiers more worth it! For the time being I will limit tiers 4 and 5 to 3 slots max, so that means there will be only one more slot for those who want free monthly art (and with these new prices it'll be more more cost effective) I also plan on adding a small discount for 3rd tier patreons so they have a little something extra other than NSFW access.

If you've taken the time to read all of that, please contact me and let me know what you think! If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for the patreon page, or things I can upgrade and/or implement do send me a message!

These changes will come into effect at least one week from now on, I'm informing everyone in advance in case they want to get a standalone commission soon, and also because I want everyone to participate on improving this page <3



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