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"You feel your sins crawling on your back"

A couple days ago I had this random thought about one of the dialogues from Asriel in UNDERTALE.

While speaking to us he mentions that he "did some pretty weird stuff when he was a flower"

So me being the weirdo I am I started trying to imagine what sorts of weird crap he could've done, and of course one of those ideas ended up being this.
He basically fucked his own mom.
I mean he DID literally murdered his own kind for a long time, who can tell what other kind of atrocities he could've commited?

At first I thought it would be pretty funny to make a comic like this but on second thought it might be too much for some, I dunno.

So this comic will most likely stay as a rough sketch exclusive for patreons, but you're welcome to give some feedback on what you think of it!




You should totally continue this.