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  • Toriel_CMM_P_4.mp4



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We made it!!! Finally finished all the backgrounds for the upcoming animation!

My god that took a gigantic amount of time! I added several more inbetweens to smooth out the character animations (still need to polish them but they're much smoother!) specialy towards the end when goat mom starts singing.

Now all there's left is to finalize the rough animation, and then the most tedious part which is the cleanup and coloring.
And then I'll have to see how to add some shadows so the drawings don't look too out of place!

I'm so excited to finish this and show it to the world!

Total time net of work animating inbetweens and setting backgrounds:
88+ Hours

Estimated time net of work drawing all the backgrounds separately:

Aproximately 30 Hours

Estimated real time to get to this stage:

3 months




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