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Finally finished this one! Why the dude turned out kind of night elfy is something I can't give a good answer to, haha. The color just seemed like a nice fit at the time.

You might also notice that I'm still trying to make myself more comfortable with textured strokes, especially on the environment there. I like how it creates a level of detail that is difficult to achieve as quickly with a round brush. I'll definitely have to practice it more before I'm entirely comfortable with it, but I feel like I'm making progress! Over the years I've gotten very attached to having opacity and flow controlled by pressure sensitivity, but turning those off seems to make it easier to get a nice foundation of textured strokes to start rendering on top of. That's a good note to self.

I hope you like the picture!

Also, I really wish I could post content here for you guys more frequently. I just really struggle to work fast enough to do that. It's definitely my biggest weakness. So I'm very thankful that you guys support me enough that I can do this full time even when I'm slow. I really appreciate it. :) And I'll continue trying to get faster!

As usual, you can expect to receive the rewards in about a week from now, on the 7th at the latest. :)



Ciarán M

Goodness gracious! This is nothing short of utterly magnificent! The colours are so beautifully vibrant, I adore the greens and blues of the background, even with a nice bit of purple for some of the leaves, with lovely cool-toned shadows cast over the warm skin and hair of the luscious (and slimy 😂) lady, the man being purple is a benefit to the image I feel (and not just because it's my favourite colour 💜), he stands out very well against the green, just as his "toy" does so against his hand. The rendering is just... Beyond my means to do justice to, you mention working on textures and your efforts are clearly evident! The leaves, bark of the tree, hair, skin, grass, metal, "liquids" 😉 and translucent surface of the dildo all look so amazing, so brilliantly painted! The way the hair is separated into strands and cascades, the shine of the wet parts of the skin and the 3-dimensionality of the characters' forms (especially evident across the man's muscles), the sheen of her metal bracelet and parts of her panties, the fuzziness of the grass, hardness of the tree-bark, all of these things are sensationally done. As for the scenario that is so magnificently depicted, I can't get over the dude's smile, he's clearly quite pleased with himself 😂, meanwhile the lady is just staggered, no doubt shocked by just how slimy she got 😈, she must've had a lot of fun (speaking of which, nice job on how the dildo rests between the lips of her vagina as well as how the fluids wrap over the forms of their body, I particularly like the shine of the liquid that has fallen onto the grass below). Judging by her metal panties (love how they fall between her thighs), I'm guessing that she's some kind of Amazon woman, perhaps wandered into an uncharted and mystical forest, beguiled by the charms of this exotic denizen who was quite eager to demonstrate his "ways"... I'm guessing that she'll be returning in the future. As for the pace of your work, I can only speak for myself but I can happily say that your paintings are worth the wait, they're so detailed and intricate and masterfully done 😄. Once again, utterly breathtaking work, I always look forward to being blown away by what you paint and I always am... Blown away that is, because your work is stunning! 😍😍😍 (I forgot to mention, the texture of the Elf's gauntlet is marvellous too and I love the bright, cooler toned eyes that each character possesses)

Ty Bowen

Brilliant as always.


Face expressions are so realistic! I'm a gay, but I love your art, it turns me on! )


I love this one ^^