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I usually do a little drawing for myself for my birthday. Here's this year's drawing. 😄

I'm attaching the layered PSD as well if you're interested!




happy birthday!


Happy Birthday dude :)


Congratulations! May your birthday be as sexy and colorful as your pictures! 😍🍸🎁🍻☕️😊🎂


Always good to see what kind of wild party you get up to, Calm, happy birthday! :)


Hey, Happy Birthday!


Yo mine is tomorrow lol

Chris Fivey

Happy birthday 🎉👍🏼🤘🏼😁

Dirk In The Dark

happy birthday Calm, I'd say have fun, but it looks like you have your hands full already... : )


Happy B-Day Calm!


Happy birthday and thank you for all the amazing art that you do!!!


Happy Birthday and thanks for the Gift ^_^


Happy birthday ! ;-D And nice present !


Aww! And today is my birthday! Happy birthday to us both!


Oh damn, just noticed while looking on your old birthday picture that the champ cut off his hair. Looking good :D Happy birthday

Jason LaRue

Three days before mine! 😁


I always thought that guy was you lol


Phenomenal work as always! I was wondering if I could pick your brain about something: I’m trying to get better at erotic artwork myself and create a series of illustrations and generally I find myself using reference images as the inspiration as well as the main reference for a single piece and essentially the illustration uses the composition/angle/posing etc exactly as is from the reference, then with my own changes on top. This time I’m attempting to take the reference I like, pose 3D models to replicate the reference with any adjustments I want to make, and then I can play around with different camera angles and lighting etc. Do you think the first way is best or the second?


Hey thanks! Out of the two methods you mentioned I'd probably lean towards the second, even if it sounds like it'd take longer, just to get away from copying too much of an already existing picture. To me that seems like the more creatively satisfying option. Posing 3D models can be difficult though if you aren't very experienced with it. It's easy to make the mistake of making poses that are too stiff. The way I usually prefer using references is to do the initial small thumbnail sketch entirely from imagination. I really enjoy feeling like the idea for an illustration is as much my own as possible, so if I was creating a picture based on one reference it'd make it feel a little bit too derivative and takes some of that satisfaction away from me. Then, once the thumbnail sketch is done, and I've basically nailed down the poses and composition as well as I can, I'll start looking for a whole bunch of different references that can help me more easily refine what's already in the sketch. They're not meant to be references that look exactly like what I wanna draw, but instead are just meant to inform how I draw my own unique version. I do in some cases shoot my own reference photos where I'll copy what I see into a painting, for example when drawing hands in poses I can't easily visualize. 10+ years ago I had this idea in my head that if I can't find perfect references, then they're useless, and that was really constricting. So I highly recommend letting go of the feeling that sticking to one perfect reference is the way to go, if that's also how you feel. Try finding a couple dozen references that are similar to what you want to do, and then draw your own version that doesn't look exactly like any of them. 👍


I love your female characters with small boobs. I know most men just love those big melons but I think that smaller ones have their own hotness (which should not be confused with the loli style). I hope to see more, thx :)