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Here's all the stuff I've been working on recently! 

The white haired elf guy is turning into sort of a recurring character by now. I kinda like him. I hope you do as well! He's really meant to be more of a skinny nerdy type, but I accidentally made him ripped here, haha. I guess all their exercise will do that to someone. 👀

I've been having a lot of fun playing around with a different painting technique with the experiments I've been doing lately, leaning more into sort of an oil painting style with some of these. I've felt like I've had a lot of success with working loose and "blurry" and working my way towards sharper edges as I progress. You can kinda see that in some of these pictures in the rougher parts compared to the more refined parts. I'll probably do a bunch more experimenting with that approach using different types of brushes, and hopefully eventually I'll have some brushes to share that I feel are a good fit for it.

I hope you're all doing great. :)



Simon Delott

REALLY into that last one.


the one with the blue toy is nice :)

John Storm

Hi, even though I've been busy with other things lately, I'll check in again. Your scenes are still pretty juicy. A real calm :)


Outstanding! You are the Picasso of goo. Thank you Calm.


More sketches!! I love your sketches as much as the final illustartions:D