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Hey! It's time for a new poll!

Patreon finally implemented a polling system here this month, and I figured I'd try it out this time and see if it works well. I'm hoping it makes it easier for you guys. :)

Download the attached image to see the thumbnail sketches you can choose between (or use this link).

Patreon's polling system is a bit simpler than the Google Docs poll, so I unfortunately don't seem to have the option to let you guys vote for multiple thumbnails like you could in the last several polls. So you're gonna have to find your favorite one and vote for that. :) Because of that I've also cut down the number of available thumbnails a bit to avoid spreading the votes too thin. Sorry if your favorite one disappeared! I hope you'll still find one you like.

Let me know what you guys think about this way of doing polls compared to the way I used to set them up!

Also, I'm a little bit late, but happy new year! :)




I went with #1, kinda reminded me of the winter lodge one with the lady bracing against the table. Really liked that one ^w^

Ciarán M

Hey Calm, happy new year to you too :). Oh, so many wonderful thumbnails here, difficult to narrow it down to one choice, the ones I'm loving are #2, #4, #5 which I think is new and #8 which I definitely haven't seen before. Hmm... as much as I love the intimacy of #4 and #5, I do believe that I will go with #8, the setting, pose and "activity" ;) are all just too appealing not to :). I do like this Patreon polling system, it's nice to be able to do it within Patreon itself although it is, as you said yourself, a simpler system. Thus far, I'm not sure which I prefer. Either way, great batch of thumbnails, whichever wins, we all win :D


I seem to be having trouble viewing the attachment. I tried on my phone's chrome browser and the Patreon app, neither worked.


Yeah I can’t download it either...


Weird! I updated the text with an alternate link. :)


Thanks for letting me know! I added an alternate link.


Come on people! VOTE #10!

Robert Arctor

I think I've seen multiple choice polls on other patreon pages; have another look next time around :)


Ah, it's possible I misunderstood one of the options there. I'll keep that in mind next time! Thanks for letting me know :)


Definitely tough to narrow down, but I chose #3 <3


Hey, the year's still less than a tenth done, so it's new enough, so Happy New Year, Calm! I like that this system actually makes us make a decision. My only problem is that your designs are so amazing that the choice becomes phenomenally hard! Anyway, I ultimately chose #2 because it's been a while since I saw some full guy on girl action painted by you.


Definitely #3 for me! :D


Forever voting 10 until it disappears :D


I never saw space or night sky drawn by Calm. The lighting on last picture is just amazing. Look at the glare on lady's feet on thumbnail #2 and all the dim light spread on the guys' bodies. Let's vote for it and get great new experience!


i've been waiting for the 3rd since it appeared, go 3rd, go, go! :)


I think the idea with only one choice is better.


I like the fact that you can adapt your poll choice to the choice of others. At least you can make your vote count on a converging choice. Nice


The issue with this that I'm concerned about is that it can misrepresent which thumbnails people actually enjoy if the votes only go where you think they make a difference. And I like to know how popular each thumbnail actually is. Otherwise I might end up removing thumbnails that seem less popular than they actually are. So I feel like the genuine opinion of each person voting, unaffected by the opinions of others, is more helpful in that sense. :)