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Hey guys! Finally finished this one yesterday. I hope you're happy with the result!

It's been years since I've painted armors, so that was an enjoyable change in  this one. I'm not likely to have a good objective opinion of it for a few months at least, but I think I'm pretty satisfied with how the picture turned out. I feel like I found a somewhat good balance of where to add details and polish, and where not to, which is something I've struggled with for a long time. I'll probably continue to struggle with it for a while still, but I think I'm heading in the right direction. :)

Also, as always, I hope you'll check out the new poll that'll be running while I work on the next illustration!

Edit: Oh, and Patreon compresses the jpg quite a bit, so click the attachment link to see a better one. :)




Looking wonderful calm! Two beautiful ladies, perfect as usual! And the suits of armor look kick ass!


Daaaaamn, this looks fantastic! Amazing work Calm, the redhead's boobs look really, really good :D Out of curiosity - I assume it's too late to change to the $10 tier once you make the post? :P (Doesn't matter if it is, I'll just put myself on the $20 tier to get it later)


holly shit is is amazeballz!! D: and I want that gold dildo! as a decoration, I swear xD


Thank you! :) Yeah, the pledge amounts are locked in after I post something. Though if you want some of the past reward packs, you might be able to find a couple you're interested in over at my Cubebrush store. I've got five packs there now, and I'll be slowly adding the rest over time. The advantage to getting them there is that you can download them straight away instead of having to wait until rewards are sent out. :) You can find my Cubebrush page here <a href="http://cbr.sh/nom03" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cbr.sh/nom03</a>


Oh wow....just wow.


Now, that's some lovely armour :)


Ahh love this so much!!


One of your best ever! The detail everywhere in the picture is stunning.


Sweet!!! Looking really awesome!

Ciarán M

Wow... Every time I see a new painting from you, I'm blown away. I always try to compliment every detail that I like too but here there's just so much, the whole piece is so intricate that I can't possibly get everything which I absolutely mean as a good thing. The colours are wonderful, the warm tones of her lades stand out beautifully against the greys and greens surrounding them. The background has such wonderful detail, the armour suits look kickass and the folds in the material that the ladies lay on is terrific as is the fur (there's even... juices ;) dripping onto the material, quite the attention to detail XD). The ladies themselves look absolutely amazing, I can't praise enough the brilliant expression of the redhead and that smirk for Black is great too, I particularly love her hair and how it drapes over and around her breasts and the breasts of both of them are very well done with how they move and conform to what they touch. Their legs look magnificent and I really like both Black's tights and the details of Red's greaves, speaking of detail though, that's one well-crafted dildo, the blacksmith behind that must've been very skilled ;) XD, same with the other toys below, they have a lovely metallic shine to them actually. I have to stop myself now, there's so much more detail I could go into (goodness, the rendering on everything is brilliant) and this comment would go on forever so I'll end it by saying, brilliant work, Calm, your attention to detail and general skill is breathtaking.


REally fantastic picture Calm, I love your dedication to the details. (I haven't pledge this month for this one, but I plan to take it on Cubebrush once I can) ^^


It's always nice to hear you appreciate my pictures, Ciaran. :D Thank you!

Pierre D.

Great picture and love the time lapse and "growth" art that came with the sub. Also, MOAR succubus hotties! :D