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Hey guys! Here's the new poll!

I'm still trying out new ways to do the poll. This time, like last time, you can vote for as many or as few sketches as you want, but there are more than twice as many options to vote for. Let's see if that gives interesting results. :)    


If you'd like to know which picture I'll be painting while the new poll is running, check out the results of the previous poll below.

197 responses
Thumbnail #1    40    20.3%
Thumbnail #2    40    20.3%
Thumbnail #3    91    46.2%
Thumbnail #4    49    24.9%
Thumbnail #5    57    28.9%

Keep in mind, the percentages add up to over 100% because you were able to vote for multiple sketches. Thumbnail #3 got the highest number of votes, and will be the one I'll be painting next!




6 and 11, those look fun.


3, 8, 11, and 12


So many choices. reduced at 3,4,5, butthe others are fucking great.

Ciarán M

Ah, I voted for #3 last month, looks like I'm 3/3 with picking the winners since I started following you XD. As for this poll, a lot of interesting and sexy choices here, in the end I voted for #8, #9 and #12 and out of those my favourite is #12, I really like the angle, the foreshortened pose of the woman and how she throws her head back in pleasure while rubbing her foot along the guy's abs, background looks great too with the stars and planets/moons. I look forward to seeing both the painting for this month and the eventual winner of this poll :D.


So many good ones this time around. I'm afraid to not vote for certain ones in case they disappear.


I am still hopping for #1. But they are all great. With i could draw even at your sketchlevel ;)


#1, #3, #7, #11. Lotta good ones, but those would be amazing.


I personally long for more Fantasy or sci-fi in the next picture, so there is a lot of good choices


3 or 4


5 or 9 or 12


3, 4 or 9


1, 4, 11!! All of these are amazing


1, 4