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Here's the new poll! Find your favorite sketches in the image above and vote for them!

I'm trying something a bit different this time around, where you can choose how many of them you want to vote for. Just one or two, or all of them if you really want to. It's up to you. :)


The results of  the previous poll, poll #28, are listed below.

197 responses
Thumbnail #1    96    48.7%
Thumbnail #2    28    14.2%
Thumbnail #3    26    13.2%
Thumbnail #4    22    11.2%
Thumbnail #5    25    12.7%

Thumbnail #1 came out on top by quite a large margin, so that's the one I'll be painting next!



Griffin Barrows

Oh wow... is it possible that this old #2 will be done? <3 lol


All I can say is maybe. :) People weren't really voting for it a lot back when it used to be in the polls. But I like the idea, so it might return sometime, or I might do another sketch with the same theme. We'll see!


*comepletely hypnotized by #3*


Whoa, 3 looks amazing. Immediately voted for that and 4 :D


Three 3 Threeeeee!!!!!!!!


I'm up for three or five.


I've been waiting for months now for the 4th. I really hope it will win this time, even though the 3rd is astonishing (and I'll vote for this one later ;) )

Ciarán M

Ah ha, so glad to see #1 from the last poll as the winner, and a by quite a large margin too so clearly I'm far from the only one ;). That's something to look forward to throughout the month. As for this vote, I've picked both #3 and #4. I love how even in thumbnail form, you are the master of painting sticky looking liquids XD.


Still voting for #5 - looks so freaking awesome. Although #3 is a close runner up! :)


Ugh these are all great. I reallh love 3 and 5


I like 4 but hope to have it zoomed out a little so you can still see their boobs.

Kenneth Winkelman

They're all good, though #3 is my favorite.