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Maya has an interest in technology from older civilizations that are no longer around. In her search for these technologies, she came across an old forgotten laboratory and decided to move in and attempt to salvage some of what remained there.

One of the most interesting things she discovered in this laboratory was experiments in creating a lifelike artificial human. After some trial and error, and rigorous testing (nsfw), the android she discovered seems to function well. Even better than Maya hoped for.

However, he is a bit of a blank slate, so Maya, and occasionally her curious friends, have decided to try to teach him some of the basics of human interaction.




Mad, mad skills. This is so good, even as is.


The testing phase is style my fav picture :D


I've gotta say, I love how you continue to develop each image with the storyline ;D Great work as always Calm!


Man, can't get over the grey-haired girl's hands. And it's coming along fantastically. Good jerb, Calm~


I'm not the greatest storyteller, but I do try to get a little bit of that stuff into some of the pictures. I'm glad to hear you appreciate it. :)


Great job