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July went by pretty fast! I hope the last few weeks have been good for you guys. Here's what I've worked on this month! Luke and another dryad girl are enjoying a hot summer day together. But with temperatures being so high in real life lately, I started thinking about how nice a little bit of cool rain feels on those hot days, so I threw that in there! And it makes the scene wetter. How could I resist?

Thank you for supporting this one! Whether you're an old or new supporter, I really appreciate it. :) I feel like I keep learning a lot with every new painting, so I'm having a lot of fun. I hope you can learn something from it too when you get your reward pack. It'll arrive in your message inbox in about a week from now, on August 7.

Oh, and the current poll has been uncomfortably close to a three way tie almost since it started. Are you guys trolling me or something?? You've still got a good chance at being the deciding vote!




Love this. Love you.


That is one hot, humid, and sweaty looking scene! Love it. Don't think I've seen illustrated breasts with as much personality as here haha! Cheers!

SoundGate Audio

As always- Hot as hell. Nice work!


Brilliant work


Beautiful work as always calm!

Ciarán M

Well, as someone who absolutely hates summer, I must say I definitely appreciate the cool atmosphere of this painting and the rain effects that you've added really add to that and just look great! The colours in this piece are beautiful with the lush, verdant greens with a nice, hazy look at the blue sky between the trees. The Dryad's pink hair and some pink flowers and pink/purple tips of plants add a touch of vibrancy to the cool scene, as does Luke himself of course with his human skin tones 😹 Your background is beautifully painted as always, I love how you paint the trees with their twisting, rippling branches and barks with all of those plane changes and sections that interlock and overlap. The rocks look great too, as does the mossy growth on top of them and there's so much detail in everything and all the different kinds of plants surrounding the characters and in the foreground and far distance. And I do like how the furthest parts of the background are softly covered in this blue haze, making the foreground look extra crisp in contrast. And looking at the characters, Luke looks great as always. With this scene in particular I really like his visible arm, the definition of his shoulder and his muscles looks so good. A detail I love is how parts of his arm receive this green tint from the plants beneath him and I love his hand too with the contrast in tone between the main hand and the darker fingers, which also have a nice cool tint to them. The lighting on his right leg is great too with the wide streak of light and shadow running up his thigh, with the knee area and the muscles in his calf having a lot of detail. All of his torso and the muscles in his neck are so well done and I do like his hair and how it's sweeping over to one side, with the details popping even more thanks to the green-tinted edge lighting. Then we have the Dryad and hoooo boy, she is looking very nice! 💚💚💚💚💚 Her overall colours just look fantastic with the vibrant pink hair being such a great contrast to the green skin. Meanwhile the green has this terrific gradient, being light and pale on her face, torso and hips, then spreading out into a more full green over her limbs. I adore the dynamic movement of her hair and a fun, creative touch that I like is the hair turning into curling leaves/petals at the tips. The lighting on her face looks great too, being lit from below with all of her features being really well painted and I do like the hint of lighting within her forehead for a nice contrast. Looking at her body, this is one toned dryad! Her arms are so muscular, with big shoulders and beautiful tensed bicep on her right arm. The white edge-lighting really makes the muscles pop too and I love the subtle blue lighting in her raised fore-arm. Then you look down and see her tight abs and obliques and I won't lie, I start to feel particularly jealous of Luke, more so than usual 😹 Seriously, love the muscle definition on her and it's all beautifully painted! The thighs have wonderful, rippling definition too and of course the breasts look great with a soft squishiness to them as they bounce, with the clear contrast in light and dark tones defining them very nicely. The wet rainy effects look fantastic on both characters and I do especially like how the rain splashes against her bouncing breasts/nipples. Fantastic work once again on this lush, vibrant, cool and sexy scene! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Thank you, Ciarán! I'm pretty jealous of Luke as well, lol. I'm glad you found a bunch of things you like in the scene, always fun to read! 😄

John Storm

Great scene. Especially the boucing boobs frozen and brought into the picture 😍


This one needs to be at the top of the list to be animated.