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I hope you like this one. :)

Rewards will be sent out in about a week from now.

For this picture I decided to tinker around a bit with a cylindrical perspective. It really helps prevent perspective distortion in images with a wide field of view, and in my picture in particular I feel like it helped avoid a boring flat view of the back wall. If you guys are interested in that topic, I'd suggest reading Rob Adams' blog (As I'm writing this, it's unavailable due to bandwidth issues. If you're desperate, you could check out the cached version without images, which is still interesting, but a bit harder to understand.)

Here's a picture of a perspective grid from that blog that I used as a guide for the perspective in my painting. That grid represents a 180 degree field of view, which should be plenty for most drawings, but you can repeat the picture horizontally if your drawing has an even wider field of view.

Working with perspective grids is something I used to kind of avoid if I could, but after getting into it and understanding it a bit better, it has become pretty interesting. :)




she looks gorgeous :) thanks a bunch for tips on perspective!


Winter is cumming...


HEy Calm! Great piece of work. DEtails of her face are just gorgeous I hope you won't mind that I did not patreonized this one as the theme/scene was not enoughly fantasy/sci-fi for me. Perhaps one day I'll take it as a past reward ;) However, the next one with Maya working on her equipment is finally one I really will like to see ( I even vote for it at one point.) and I'll restart my subscription for this one as there will be much to learn from it. Cheers and continuethe excellent work


Aweome work,do you do commisions? I sent a note to you on deviant art.


Hey! I'm glad you like my work! I'm afraid I don't do commissions. Sorry about that. :)