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Happy new year, everyone! I hope you all had nice holidays!

December ended up being a bit too busy outside of work stuff, like I mentioned might be the case, so instead of being super stressed by trying to finish an illustration, I decided to take some time off from work. It's been nice! Spent some time with family and relaxed. Hopefully you guys also got to relax a bit.

This unfortunately means there won't be any reward packs sent out on January 7th. And, in case you're new and unsure how pledges work here, it also means you didn't pay me anything since I didn't post anything. So no worries there. :) For those of you who would have liked to get one of the past packs along with the reward packs, my Gumroad page is always an alternative during months like this when the normal reward packs don't happen.

I also wanna say thank you for sharing your opinions in the poll I did last month about the content format I use here on my Patreon page. The result was interesting! I do have some changes in mind that I think could address most of what I talked about there, and I'm fairly confident they're changes all of you will enjoy!
I would like to roll those changes out alongside a new banner illustration and some extra stuff, which I have no idea when will be done, so I can't promise exactly when the changes will happen. Just assume it might take a while. :)

Today is when I get back to work. Let's hope 2020 will be a productive year!



Happy New Year to you as well!


Happy new year Calm! Looking forward to seeing these changes.


Happy New Year to you as well! =)


Just do what you gotta do brother, we are patient because we know it’s worth the wait, much love😁


Happy New Year!!!


happy new year to everyone!