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Here's the first of the two illustrations you voted for last time! I hope you like it! I've attached the version without cum as well.

The rewards for this one will slither their way into your message inboxes on June 7.

I surprised myself with how much work I got done this month. The second illustration is also pretty close to finished, but I didn't want to rush it, so I'll take a few more days next week to make sure I do a proper job. That means June will very likely have two illustrations! I hope I can keep up this pace.

I had a really good time working on this painting and figured out some new things about how I like to paint. Those of you who get the process images or videos will notice that I started with low contrast values and gradually added lighter and darker values to increase the value range. It's a workflow I'm noticing feels very comfortable to me, and it made it easier for me to wrap my head around how to keep a painterly style and create natural transitions in level of detail between low importance and high importance areas.

I've experimented a lot with workflows over the last several years, and it's very fun when something just feels right for me. Tangible progress feels good!




awesome! really good, upper-right quadrant in particular

Robert Arctor

'Tangible progress' sounds like a great title for this painting :p Superb work, Calm!


This is incredible. It might be my new favorite!


Thank you, Alexis! I'm glad to hear you like it. :)


Great work Calm, further evidence that you draw well, that cumshot is impressive, quite the distance on it.


Lovely, handsome guy. You perfectly captured the ecstasy on his face at being worked to climax. I love his beefiness!


Top tier art! The way the cum is laid out is perfection.


I love it, nice work


Its showing up as an M4V file instead of a jpg?


I can download the image but it's not downloading as an image file for some reason, am I the only one with this issue ?


Oh to cum like that.


Outstanding, as usual! I wish I had the talent to do what you do, but I never will. I'm glad I can give you some support and enjoy your work!


Thank you, I'm happy to hear you think so, Jessy! :)


I'm not sure why it's doing that, but I've reuploaded the attachments. Maybe that helps. If not, Boobsgames suggested renaming the file to add .jpg at the end. I assume that'll work.


Thank you, Ralph! You can always learn how to draw and paint. I believe in you! Take things one step at a time and it won't feel as daunting. :) ctrlpaint.com and proko.com have great resources for learning.


...he scores! It would be hard not to with that quanitity.


The demon guy is hot. I want a gay version of that)

Simon Delott

Extremely into the demon guy. I really like the details on the balls, in particular.


I think the one quality about your art that attracts me to it more than anything else is the fact that everyone, in every illustration, no matter what is happening, is absolutely, unambiguously, enthusiastically HAPPY! The big smiles, the delighted faces, the eye contact ... these people (human and otherwise) are having FUN, and love that their partners are having fun, and are most definitely NOT: embarrassed, at least not in a bad way; guilty, or likely to feel guilty later; in pain; bored; angry; expressing dominance except specifically as a way to please their partners; doing any of it against their will, even when restraint is involved; or doing anything for any other reason than because it is plainly what they want to be doing. Bravo, sir. You are a champion of enthusiastic mutual consent.


Thank you, Eben! I'm glad my illustrations come across that way to you! I definitely try to make sure everyone in them are in situations they enjoy. :)


Loving how pleased the gal on the left looks like 'check THIS out! BAM!' who needs fireworks or grand vistas she's got something else to enjoy