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Hey everyone! Here's a new one for you! Maybe it ended up being sort of a strange one, haha. I love gummy worms, so the tentacles are inspired by those. :D Fruity flavors and demon girls are a powerful combination. And a tentacle bath tub is just fun, right? I hope you like how it turned out!

The rewards for this one will be sent out in about a week from now, on November 7.

The eye strain I mentioned last month has luckily been a bit better this month, so I don't imagine it'll keep me from continuing my work in November. I look forward to the next illustration!

I hope you're all doing great and are having a spooky Halloween!




Loving the expressions, Calm. Happy Halloween!!


That looks delicious.


Thank you! I'm glad to hear you like em, Wrap! 😄


who knew you could combine like a food fetish with tentacle porn? I dig it.


Looks tasty. In many different ways


Involving all the senses can enhance the experience, you know? 😄 And I've got very strong positive associations to sweet fruity flavors, so throwing those in there works pretty well for me!


The lady looks awesome, and like she’s having a lot of fun with her gummy tentacles.

Ciarán M

And here in this painting we see another clear example of your mastery of colours and lighting! The surrounding purple tones throughout the background and ancillary characters are gorgeous with hints of gold to add a warm contrast, while the dominant bright white skin of the centre lady, her red attire and the orange/green tentacles all pop in an incredibly striking manner amongst it all. And it must be said, a strong use of purple throughout a painting will always make me happy 💜. Starting with the background, I love the setting and scene here with a great use of perspective with the characters and pillars at different distances, the varying degrees of detail between the foreground and furthest parts of the background, as well as the hint of dynamism added by the curving architecture as well as the wisping, meandering smoke from the fires. The golden trim along the pillar, as well as the jug in the front-man's hand and the hint of the fire to his left all add some nice touches of warmth and contrast well against the purple, while I really like the hint of reddish sky through the gaps in the architecture on the left side of the painting. What's also great is that you have a strong variance in tone across all of the purple, the difference between the lady on the left as well as the front man are very strong despite both being shades of purple. Even on that man himself there's a lot going on with the colour with his main body being this rich, dark purple, while we then see a warm glow along his "manhood" 😹. Looking at the scenario itself, I love how aside from the main action at the foreground, you do have that little flirtation between the two side characters as the background lady gives a smile and a wave to the front man, that's a fun touch that I really enjoy. That lady at the side is super hot and I love her attire, especially the way it accentuates her ample breasts, the nipple piercings are quite fun too 😻😻😻 (I'd love to see her as the star of a painting) Okay, I need to focus otherwise this will be a stupidly long comment even by my standards 😅, I'll say no more on the background now and just stay on the two closest characters to the foreground, but rest assured, I adore this background scene with it's amazing detail, colours, colour contrasts and lighting. So looking at the main event, as is always the case with your work, seeing a character smiling widely and having so much fun makes it all the better! And as i alluded to, I think she looks fantastic with her distinctive bright white skin and red/gold attire, she really pops against the purples. Her pose looks terrific as she lays back, lounging against the luxuriant red fabrics while the translucent, shining tentacles envelop and pleasure her. A great detail is the wine splashing out of her cup, I like to imagine that she had a bit of pleasure spasm that's also caused that smile 😹😉. The tentacles and how they wrap over her body, accentuating the shapes of her spreading thighs, stomach and breast while lifting it slightly all add to the sensual, alluring nature of her pose too. The level of detail here is insane too, the rendering of the various metals from her cup, the front-man's jug, the brazier in the foreground, sections under her bed and pieces of her attire, notably her knee pads, are all fantastic with their dull shine in this lighting. The red fabrics are brilliant too, even the damned fruit! The bloody fruit looks great as well with the textured apple and fully rendered grapes 😹. And of course, the tentacles are brilliantly painted with the colour transitions from orange to green, their semi-transparent nature and the real sense of texture to them, the shine and even rendering of individual veins on them look great! With the lady herself, her messy hair and strands overlapping are a fun detail and I love how her attire wraps over the shapes of her breasts, framing them. Her white skin looks gorgeous amongst the dark reds and really draws the eye straight to her, especially to the naughtiest parts 😉. All in all, she looks fantastic, gorgeous, sexy and brilliantly painted. And I have to give props to how the front-man is painted, the lighting and colours on him look terrific, may favourite parts being his left shoulder/arm with how they're largely in shadow but then defined by bright rim-lighting as well as the hard edges that separate his obliques and front pelvis from his hips. The stark lighting and textures across his whole body look fantastic! I'm so impressed with how well he's painted that I kind of want to see him again 😹. Maybe pair him with that eager lady flashing him that smile, I sure would like to see a lot more of her too 😉😻💜. Alright, I'll stop now 😹. Suffice to say, I'm once again very impressed with your work! The scenario is fun and sexy, the lighting and use of colour are perfect and the textures, rendering and level of detail are just insane. All in all, I would say that you should be very proud of this one 😸


Thank you, Ciaran! I'm glad you appreciate the interactions between the characters. I'd love to do even more of that stuff in future pictures. It's a fun way to try to give scenes a bit more of a story. And it's cool to hear you understood what I was going for with her spilling her drink. 😄 Thank you for again taking the time to write all these things you like about my painting. It really does mean a lot to me!

Griffin Barrows

Heck yes! I like how there is a sort of tacit narrative to this set-up; it really lends personality to the characters. Also, the lustrous translucence of the gummi worms is good work! Especially looking at the middle one, where you can see her abdomen through half of it, and empty space behind that. Also, and my favorite part... frick, that demon dude’s veiny shaft is just... yesss 🤤


Holy smokes, I absolutely love this! Great job, Calm! 😄


I'm happy to hear you like how it turned out, Griffin! 😄


Thank you, Sylvician! That means a lot to me. 😃


Man its take time, but the resulted is amazing Calm : )


Thanks! 😄 Yeah, I'm definitely not quick, heheh. But I'm glad you like the result!

Tamashi Toh

I love the alternative stuff like this. Big dongs are fine, but let's get weird more often ;)


I'm such a sucker for gummy worms, but even more for your amazing art, Calm! So happy to be a supporter of your awesome work, and happy Halloween to you too!


You just brought a smile on my face with htis one. This is exactly the king of artwork I like from you: A weird/funny situation which lighten the porn side, wrapped with a extremely beautiful rendition technique. This one just got promoted into my top 5 favorite ^_^


Hey, that's great, I'm glad you like it that much. 😄

Robert Arctor

I'm never going to be able to look at a gummy worm or a Jacuzzi the same way again :p Great art changes the eyes through which we look at the world! Great concept and delicious execution. The colors, the pose, and the abundance of tasty bits and things on display just makes me... hungry :p




Heheh, thank you! It's fun to hear you feel that way about it, Robert. 😄


Woo, congrats, Marissa! I hope it was a good one! 😄


Thank you, Shosan! :)


Hey oh. New supporter here so I’ve been digging through all the posts and they are exquisite. Thanks for everything that you do. Have you come across any solutions for your eye strain? I work in from of computers 8 to 10 hrs a day and the only two effective solutions that I have come across are changing the screen to make it a much warmer hue. Unfortunately not a good solution here because the colors wouldn’t be as excellent. The other solution I use some times if my eye start to melt are clear monitor glasses that block the blue light from the backlight of the monitor. I don’t normally wear glasses so they are not correcting. Hope that helps or helps you find a solution melting monitor eyes are the worst. Best wishes and I can’t wait to see more of your work!


Hey Jon! Happy to have you here! And I'm glad you like what I make. :) I do still get a bit of eye strain. It's not so bad if I don't have long work days, but I should definitely find a better solution. The blue light blocking glasses are probably ideal, but also pricey. I suppose it's a good investment though, so I imagine I'll get them at some point. Thank you for the suggestion! 😄