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Hey everyone! New poll! As usual, find the sketches you like below and vote for them. You can vote for as many or as few as you like. I added two new sketches this time. I hope you like them. :)

You can check the results of the previous poll here to see which illustration I'll be working on while this new poll is running.

Have a great Friday and weekend!




Still need them ghosties >:3


I think that one could be fun! I really like how the colors ended up looking in that sketch too.


I can't get enough of forest themes, but I voted on the ghosts too since I'm curious about how it would turn out!


hot dam #6 is full of complexity and its the kind of party every one WANT have 😍


"The more, the merrier", as they say! All aboard for #6!

Ciarán M

#7 is my favourite and the one that I voted for, love the pose, foreshortening and expression. It is looking like #6 is going to pull away which is still perfectly fine with me 😉, the poses of the ladies look great and best of all, the expressions show them as having fun, which aside from the sexiness, is one of my favourite things about your work, how the characters all enjoy themselves 😄


Yeah, seeing 6 as the potential winner comes as no surprise really.


Why? Why 6, but not 7? They are both perfect, but anal is sacred!


Wow, 6 is glorious! And 7 is nearly as good. Can't wait to see either of this done!