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I did a relatively quick sketch today before continuing the work on the next illustration for you guys. It's just a character standing there without anything interesting happening, so it's one of those comfortable drawings where I don't challenge myself much. Just wanted to do a bit of fun doodling. :)

This one was sort of a practice in character design. I even drew some clothes on her! And I kind of like how she turned out, so I thought I'd share her with you guys.

I made a little animated GIF showing the process of the sketch too:



Ciarán M

I always find it funny when an artist whose work I admire posts what they call "a quick sketch" and says something like "it's one of those comfortable drawings where I don't challenge myself much" and I'm looking at and thinking that it's terrific 😂💜. You say she's just standing there with nothing too interesting going on, but that overall curve through her body with her torso arched forward, bum pushed back and then thighs pushing forward to oppose the motion/angle of her body, as well as the flow of her cape and intertwining of the top of her staff do make for a pretty dynamic stance 😄. I like the painterly brush strokes here, they give a nice texture to her skin and you've included enough detail to still define her breasts, shoulder, ribs and the plane changes at her stomach. Her face looks fantastic as well with the definition of her cheeks, the way it transitions to her mouth as well as the tones and shapes of her lips. All-in-all, I'm definitely liking this character 😉😍, her design is cool with her elven ears, horns, hair style and flowing cape, while she's also looking sexy with the tease of her breasts with only her protruding nipples covered as well as as the straps of her panties wrapped over the shapes of her hips/waist. I really hope that you keep this character's design and maybe include her in one of your full pinups at some point 😍💜😍💜😍




I'm glad you like her, Ciaran! The reason I say it's a drawing where I don't challenge myself much is because the character is viewed at an angle I'm familiar with, so it doesn't take a lot of effort to figure out what stuff should look like. :) I think I like her enough that I might consider drawing her again. We'll see!


Stunning as always ! I really want to see more of her (and of your sketches too !)


Mmmm, love those pointy bullet boobs!

Robert Arctor

Thank you for sharing! It's nice to see a little more of the background as it develops. What's her story? I guess clothing has been a rare feature, hasn't it :) The right kind of clothing can make a sexy woman truly stunning, so no complaints in principle. The staff looks like a kinky RPG aid! I'm not the biggest fan of big, spiky forehead horns. They get in the way of smooching. Is it weird that I really like her hair?


I love the expressions you draw :) I mean I love all of it but I especially appreciate the lack of vacant, staring, slightly part-lipped faces ^_^


I'm afraid she doesn't have much of a story at the moment. For now I just imagine she's another character in the world my other characters are in. It sometimes feels like it's a waste to draw characters who don't have stories, but they do sometimes trigger new ideas for illustrations, so they do often end up being useful after all. :) And yeah, I don't draw clothes often at all, mostly due to personal preference in erotic art, but it's definitely fun and interesting to draw some clothes too sometimes. And nah, I like her hairstyle too. :D


Thank you, Alexandra! I love girls with big smiles on their face, so I try to draw them like that as often as I can. :D