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Hey everyone! How are you guys doing? :) Here's what I've been making this month! This one was a little bit tricky, as I expected it to be. The perspective and foreshortening going on here wasn't very easy. I think it turned out okay though. :)

I'm trying to be a bit more bold with the fog effects here to set the scene's atmosphere, as well as bringing focus away from the background details and onto the characters. It's something I want to try to do more.

Keep an eye out for the reward pack in about a week!

Oh, and the poll for the next picture is still active for another day. Maybe even a few days depending on whether or not I finish the new thumbnail sketches tomorrow. And it's pretty close right now, so make sure you've gotten your vote in if you haven't yet!




Wow! That is an awesome position and setup, she looks like she's having a blast!

Ciarán M

Ooooh boy, I've been looking forward to this! The foreshortening, pose, angles and perspective are all brilliant, coming together to create a piece that is not only incredibly sexy, but wonderfully dynamic too 😺. I adore the colours here and the various contrasts with them, such as the blues of the sheets, gloves, lipstick and tiara working with the warm tones of both of these marvellously depicted characters and their surroundings. Giving each character a different skin tone is a nice touch too that further separates them and I love the bright light bleeding in from the right that shines onto the front planes of her sensational body. As I mentioned, I adore the lighting with the clearly separated planes of the pillars of the arches and the way it affects the characters bodies. My favourite ways that the lighting affects them are with the lady's right leg as it extends with its top and bottom planes accentuated, the rim lighting that runs along her left breast and stomach as well as the rim lighting along the man's right arm and shoulder, further accentuating his muscles. The rendering is utterly breathtaking as it always is with your work 😻. Starting with the man, the definition of the muscles of her arms, shoulders, neck/upper back and his foreshortened abs are amazing, his hands, the left in particular, is fantastically done with the fingers wrapping around her legs. The lady now is just... 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻. I adore her face with that beaming smile, the detail in her tiara, the way her hair parts into strands that drape over her breasts. Her breasts themselves with how they protrude forth while wrapping around her chest are just delightful while her stomach is utterly gorgeous. I already mentioned that I really like her legs and another couple of marvellous details are how her thumb indents into her left thigh with a blue tint running along her right leg (also along the man's which is also a great touch, the bright, warm light bathing his abs is terrific too). The background is fantastic too with the rendering of the folds in the sheet, the stone textures of the walls and pillars as well as the defining of the rather naughty designs of the arches 😈. And on a personal note, the lady being naked except for those blue gloves is something that I find supremely sexy 💙💙💙. Absolutely stunning work this month! The warm/cool colour contrasts and lighting give this such a gorgeous atmosphere and the characters are stellar 😻😻😻.


Well I'm not going to do a wall of text :) But I loved this. The expression on her face, the position, the detail and perspective all please me.


This is beautiful! Looking forward to the Hi-Rez version (hope there will be a messy alternative version!!)


Thank you! Very happy to hear you like it, Ciaran! Having her just wearing those sleeves was something I wondered a bit if people would think looks weird or not, so I was glad to see that among the things you point out as positives. :D


It's always nice to get a sense of how much people actually like the stuff I make, and while walls of text are very nice, the shorter messages also really help contribute towards it, so thank you, Mark! I'm glad you like it. :)


Thanks, Jim! I'm afraid this one won't have a messy version. But! It looks like the next one will be messy. Hopefully that'll make up for it. :D

Robert Arctor

Those are some perverted arabesques! Have you been spending too much time with Yron? ;) Love it, anyway! Especially the colours draw my eye, all that gold and deep blue is very middle-eastern summer.


I feel like I should know what or who Yron is. :D I'm glad you like the picture, Robert!