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I am currently having an awful / very hard time at work, and so tonight, I wanted to do a very simple and relaxing render.

Since I had no motivation or specific idea, I went through old renders and eventually stumbled upon this one. You can see the original from somewhere between 2015 - 2017 as the second image here, or in the Mega Drive of that timeframe.

It's.. hard to believe that it has been 7 years since the first render. I feel like other people make so much progress in such a short amount of time and I'm just her, cucumbering around like a snail but alas, there's still a little improvement visible.. wouldn't you say?


A.. anyway. I hope you like it a little! I hope (and plan) to make a Tifa sporty dress render somewhen today. Wish me luck (and for work, too.. ) ♥ 



Mr. Du-Dah

I really dig the return to DOA art.


I cannot believe what I’m hearing! You have improved tremendously and progressed so very far, Sreli. I mean from the lighting, textures and the finer details, Honoka looks so realistic and absolutely gorgeous ( as does Tifa and every character you’ve ever rendered )! You continue to amaze and blow our minds away with your posts, I mean you can clearly see the love and dedication you’ve put into your work and I speak for every one of us here when I say we thank you for always blessing us with your magnificent artistry . I hope everything goes well with you and your work and never let it get you down, you’ve always been stronger that that. 😊👍❤️


;_; Beau.. !! ♥ Not too long ago, I looked at the very first commission I ever made. Which just so happens to be the CloTi one I once did for you ( remember)? And it was the one thing where I thought.. yes, maybe I did improve a little. Thank you for believing in me.