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A quicky wip! °O°/)



Jonas Morés

This version of Tifa gives me an explosion of hormones. XD! Look at the magic and charm of this face. The small glimpse of breasts. This is too charming for me. It's just a WIP. Even so, I would already shape it.

OneHandedStunt - Richard

Your Alter Ego is so georgeous. I can feel your soul being wrapped around her like an extra aura. Confident, but shy. Outgoing and open, but cautious. A true artistic soul looking for fulfillment and filled to the brim with passion.


Well, it's only 50% Tifa after all; hihi. This is a big compliment. Glad you like my OC! ^o^


You are truly a mage with words, Richard. Your descriptions always make me smile and I am truly honored that you find these pieces enjoyable! ^o^ ♥