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Just a little, super quick render (background is just a plane, too!). I hope you like it tho! ^o^




Tidus hat für mich voll so nen J-Pop Idol Vibe 😅 Schöner Render mit den beiden zusammen.

Jonas Morés

I think the FFVII cast will always be my favorite. I can't get attached to the other casts I see. I don't know, it's a different journey. A unique involvement. Before I was more passionate about Kingdom Hearts. FFVII passed on that passion, moving towards something more concrete. Not just for Tifa. But for the characters, stories, that I've been getting to know. Even now. Clive, Jill, Cid and Torgal. Excellent characters. A good plot, competent world development. But what lasts is FFVII. I overextended myself. Render whatever, Final Fantasy whatever. We will always receive beautiful work.