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(。Ŏ ᗜ Ŏ ̆ 。) September -and I finally got this summer render done. I.. I hope you like it.

Featuring: Sreliata (OC).
The non-watermark one is on the mega of course!

Next up: more commissions! ^o^




Sommer klingt gut, sind hier nur noch 35 Grad:p Danke für diese sexy Booty Aussicht. Selbst unscharf wird der Blick angezogen. Cooler sommerlicher wohlfühl Render :)

Jonas Morés

I think (I) that his talent, love and dedication to his renderings. There are no words to describe, what your shares bring us. Because it is intimate with each one, but it is equal in feeling. I often lack words, in stubbornness I write. I just feel that what you, Sreliata, is magical.