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৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻)  Did you ever notice that Clouds Ever Crisis Outfit matches Tifa's exotic outfit, color wise?

When I saw that, I had to make this render. Took me quite a while, because of the detailed scenery but I hope you agree that it turned out well! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

The non watermarked is on the mega of course. ♡




Excellent masterpiece, love seeing my favorite power couples in matching outfits and looking good kicking ass!!! Happy birthday Cloud. 🥰👍🎂🎁🎉🎊🎈


This is excellent! Yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw it. Makes me wonder if he were to wear that on the date they never got to do because of the reactor 5 mission lol.