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(っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) I just wanna hug Tifa here and tell her it's all going to be okay. Deep down she knows it will but in that situation (if you've read the book), anyone would be devastated.

Don't think I ever did moody renders like this before, where it's all about a sad moment but I tried to make the lighting fit the mood (and the fact that this clinic is in the slums). I even created the medical bill Dr. Oranye is handing Tifa in the end (second image (¯▿¯) just because).

As always, for my Milkies: the unwatermarked version is in the Mega Archive.



Yves Krauße

Where can i find the Mega Archive?


Nothing wrong with "moody"render. You have been capturing the many faces and moods of tifa. From sexy and playful to uncomfortable to combative. Tragedy has it's place in there. I think you caught the moment really well. Crappy dim lighting(the room), Tifa disheveled and hair a mess to the mass of emotion in her eyes. Awesome work!


Reading that comment made me smile! I am really glad you think that way, as it took me quite a while to make this one (since it's something I don't do often). Thank you very, very much! ^.^


Oh wow I love this piece and the mood so much! You really captured something special here, hope to see more!


(Also same if you please, fresh Milkie here) *raises hand*!


It's so good but so sad :'(! Poor Tifa! At least when we get to see her in the main series she's in a better place yeah?

Jonas Morés

My book was delayed, I don't even have a forecast to receive it. As for render (With Tifa, you always rock. And I'm in love). Always masterpieces. The last renders posted, I haven't seen them, calmly yet. As I said, my subscription expires soon, renewing it next month. Around the 5th or 6th. Finally, please bring the missing portraits. ^^

OneHandedStunt - Richard

The dishevelled looks, her uneasy glance and the skinnier face and figure. She looks more fragile than I ever imagined I would still recognize her. It's like she's waiting for someone to pick her up and rebuild her. I don't think I ever looked on any of your pictures as often as I did on this one. With every look I fell deeper into the situation and it really got to me. I felt really, really bad for her ending up in this situation despite it being pure fiction. Maybe it is because I for myself was in hospitals enough for the rest of my life and unfortunately already saw my wife in a hospital bed like this, one time. But maybe it's just because you are a very skilled artist.


My book arrives today hopefully! Also, that bill...no giles no party xD

TOURNIER Akhénaton

Aaaaaw, poor Tifa. I just wanna give her a huge hug and told her that's everything will be okay :3 (And damn that's bill XD)


A render that worths a hundred words, unbelievable work, I haven't read the book, but I don't think we need to read it to understand the emotion and sadness that surrounds the render, you have delivered that really well! In a way or two, it kinda gives me flashbacks to memories of the past, which didn't really happen before, and yet looking at this render brings me back lol Well done Sreliata, this is an outstanding work!


... I am so sorry to hear you've been in the hospital- and your wife, too! Definitely can feel with you. I, myself, have had these experiences as well and I feel the devastation Tifa must have had here, too. I really tried keeping the mood 'darker' here. Also in the lighting, and how Tifa is presented. That gaze into 'nothingness'. Like staring at a wall because you just can't cope with the current situation.. !! So, so honored that you like it, and that (despite it may not being the best of feelings) it brought emotions out in you!


Ich will das Buch auf jeden Fall auch noch haben. Kann Nachvollziehen, dass du Tifa am liebsten in den Arm nehmen würdest


Bestell es Dir einfach sofort!! Gibts auf Amazon- sogar für Kindl Paperwhite (da les ich es grad drauf)


Oh gosh ;_; your comment made me all emotional. It is so, so sweet- the amount of detail you payed to it; and the things you felt (judging by your description); I am so, so happy that you like this image. Usually people don't flock towards things that aren't at least a little sexy, lewd, or very colorful.. so I was hesistant at first but now I am just very happy with it, too! ^.^


Thank you for your words! The risk was well taken! This image gave me goosebumps and was well delivered 😄

Robert Molt

Thank you so much for this! You really are such a great artist. You demonstrate such range. You can do the more sexual aspects of her identity as well as the more emotional parts of her identity. This is a big part of her life. You really are a great fan.


I am so, so honored that you think this way. Truly ;_; Thank you so much.