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Hello guys!

Oh. My. God. Guess what I just got? Yes, a very nice deal - a quit pro quo!

Look at the image above. Isn't this an amazing figurine? I don't think I've seen something in similar quality anywhere recently.

And it isn't as pricey as some other that are resin statues. Truly marvelous.
Here comes the cue: if you'd order yourself one of those figures through the following affiliate (my) link, we both may benefit from it:


For those of you that werer wondering: Yes of course, there is a NSFW version as well, if you'd prefer to have that instead. The pose is a little different, but oh my gosh does it look incredible:

NSFW comprende? Si, si signor! → CICK ME!

The little percentage I may get from this I'll be able to invest towards the art of my favourite Artist (or perhaps a new washing machine, if the move happens soon-ish).

If you feel generous / in need of this amazing figurine, please get yourself one through my affiliate link. I can't even begin to tell how much I'd appreciate that.

Truly, a win / win.






I need it.


Same.. !! I don't often see figurines of Tifa to which I think they really look nice. And there is many out there; so this is a rarity. °_°


How long do we have to order before the deal goes away? Does it come with a box?

OneHandedStunt - Richard

Holy Shit! What a quality if the pictures are true. But I better not start collecting those. So I rather give the money directly to you. I am sure you don't mind :D


Yeah, I'm trying to see if I can justify the purchase though. I'm already running low on space for my statues and PlayArts that I got from SE. This one is so beautiful though.


I can't tell you whether or not this one comes in a box, because I personally don't have it yet. But I would definitely assume so. That said, I think you have a few days or weeks at least, to make an order. ^.^ Though with limited quantities, sooner is always better.


These are amazing, right? I don't often see figurines where Tifa looks this good, detailed, and accurate. Blew me away. And o.. of course I don't mind ;_; oh my god I am so honored..


Arggg I pre-ordered 2 days ago 😪


The attention to details is pretty nice, Can't wait to see it in actual size, congrats to anyone who's planning to get it/pre-ordered it 😄


Do you know how long your preorder link lasts?

Mr Roboto

I would have loved to have helped you out but I already ordered elsewhere, i mean.... how could I not order it! I have FanArt's 1/3 Tifa and Cloud ordered as well which is also beautiful.


Jesus Christ, these look incredible.


Gosh ;_; I ... - there is no way you can cancel it on the other place? XD


It's technically limitless. However, this figurine is limited in quantity. They produce only 299 of those. World wide.


^_^ It looks absolutely amazing. I totally agree. Hopefully some people get it.

Jonas Morés

I already pre-ordered Tifa(Nude)! Thanks for sharing. ^^


Oh gosh. Did you do that through my link? ^o^ JONAS! I haven't seen you in a while.

Jonas Morés

Yep! I went through your link. I registered on the site (Que Tifa! Ai! Ai!) and bought it. I even made the confirmation, which they ask for by WhatsApp. True, gone. Problems, more and more problems. Already in the past. My signature will expire. Next month I'll be back. Thank you very much. This share, purchase, made me very happy. I had been looking for a doll (statue) in this style for some time. Being Tifa, even better. Until later! ^^


I just pre-ordered through your link. Love your work!

michael saunders

This is incredible so thanks for sharing. I so badly want to get it but don't have the funds right now


I am very happy to hear that, Jonas. You have been so silent for a while, it had me worried!