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╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ This was a bigger project. I don't often do renders with so many characters on it but I truly hope you like it. Right now, I have to try and finish one render per day (after my regular job) to be able to make it all ready for Tifa Week and month.

Yesterday I went to bed at 4 am. Uh-oh! °_°)" Am I tired? Si klaro.

The full 4K non-watermarked version is on the mega drive for my Milkies (Tier 3)!



TOURNIER Akhénaton

Oh, this is adorable! It's a nice change of pace and it's really cute


^.^ I still have to learn lots on how to make stuff like that more cinematic, but I am so glad you like it. <3


And I was right. Fantastic! Very serene. Love it!


LOL !!!! Didn't realize at first sight that Cloud and Tifa are holding hands! xDDD Gargantuan work you did there with so many characters :) Also, kinda funny that Marlene seems not to be scared of Cloud anymore haha


Wow, what a complex rendering with so many details and characters. Fantastic work!!


^.^ I am so glad you like it. Took me quite a while (once again) to do this one.


Ich mag die gemütliche Stimmung, auch wenn Cloud vielleicht zu Playboy mäßig ist xP Die Interaktion von Barret und Marlene ist süß 😊 Und die Oma fand ist im Remake auch voll klasse 👍🏻 Hoffe du hast den Tag halbwegs überlebt xD


omg this is so wholesome. Marle in my mind is truly apart of this little family especially after reading Traces of Tifa


xD wieso bitte ist Cloud zu Playboy - mäßig?? Wenn eine Frau freizügig gekleidet ist findet man das auch geil.


Right? Gosh, Traces of two pasts wrecked me! ;_; but it was so beautiful. I still want to illustrate it. I need to have three additional arms and five brains. xD in fact, I need a clone of myself to be able to do it all - but I want to try.


Take your time with it! I'm sure it would be beautiful. Could even be a mini series you do perhaps for patreon down the road?


Ich sehe das eher im Vergleich zum Rest des Bildes und der Atmosphäre. Cloud an sich find ich mega 👍🏻