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Hello guys. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Unfortunately.. my PC just turned off from one second to the other. Both screens turned black and that was it. I thought maybe it was overheating but even after waiting for half an hour, nothing.

Nothing happens. At all. I unplugged power, supply, back in and again, nothing. It doesn't even turn on for a second, nothing rotates, no fan.. nada.

The power supply must be completely fried (I assume).. so there is nothing I can do. 😰

I was in the middle of working on my next render and now I don't even know when I'll be able to continue that.

I am devastated.
And.. I just wanted to let you all know.
And the train continues.

My mother moved in with us, yesterday.

Due to.. well, a very unfortunate situation (domestic abuse from her husband) etc. Live.

When it rains, it pours. Right? 😥
I hope I can find a solution.



Sorry to hear all that. I hope everything gets better. Best wishes for you and your family.


I’m so sorry to hear that, please take care of everything first and foremost. We will still be here for you no matter what❤️

Booster Tutor

Oh noooo. That's awful... On the PC thing it sounds like a motherboard failure.


One step at a time. No need to rush. We'll be here.


Wow I’m so sorry. Hopefully you’re able to keep everything and it turns out ok


Ive taken computer maintenance, just got to replace the power supply but if there were sparks you might have to get a new motherboard

OneHandedStunt - Richard

All the strength and love for you and your family 🙏 We will be right here waiting whenever your head needs a smile, but don't worry about us now.


Wishing you all the best. Hope everything will be fine again soon.


Best way to overcome domestic abuse is to gain strength Martial arts is a good way to go


Oof, that really is devastating. Hopefully that PC issue gets sorted soon, and wish it turns out well for your family. Sending lots of virtual hugs your way <3

Mr Roboto

Very sorry to hear this, you and your mum stay strong ok.


I'm sorry to hear this. Hope things get better soon




For the PC, did you do a power reset by holding down the power button? That helps rule out anything that could be minor. If still isn't turning on, might be something with the power supply.


Hey, it’s not much, but at least you can always count on your loyal community, and, to a major extent, on your loved ones. PC problems can be solved, hope your mum (and you as well) can get better soon


I'm sorry to hear about everything. I sincerely hope things work out for the best. 🙏


Es ist klar was zu tun ist, in erster Linie um deine Mutter kümmern, danach um deinen PC. Hoffe für euch geht alles gut aus und wünsche euch viel Kraft.


Try replacing the PSU, keep only the power connector to the MB and remove the GPU, try powering the computer if it starts that means the MB +CPU +RAM have survived, than connect the GPU, test again, connect components one by one to remove the possibility that one of them generated the failure. You can always do the "smell test" on the old PSU if it smells like burnt than you should replace it (hope the rest of the components have survived). Good luck in getting everything up and running tor Tifa Week


Thank you so much, Josue. Don't worry. I plan on providing content here continuous regardless. ^.^


The power supply fried itself and in the process, it also fried the CPU cooling. That pc was 7 years old.. so it was probably time to be replaced.


Yes. I've been working on a solution. Next week I should have a new pc.


Power supply completely fried and it also burnt through the cpu cooling. That pc was seven years old so a replacement was going to happen somewhen regardless ._.


Richard. That is so, so incredibly sweet of you. Thank you so much. I will try my best to be back to renders asap. Next week latest.


I should be able to get the new pc next week and then rush right back into render matters ^.^


Exactly. Though those things aren't too easy for a 70 year old woman. She's living with us now. To heal.


You are sweet wombey. Thank you so, so very much! I will be back with new renders next week.


She is healing now. I will be returning to my fresh renders next week as soon as the new pc is here. ^.^


You are sweet. Next week there will be more renders. I will do my best.


You are... so sweet. I have no words, Jonas! I managed to get myself a new pc. It isn't my dream pc but it is better than what I currently had and it will make due. I really hope I can come back to create nice renders for you all, towards end of next week. Please bear with me ._.


Of course I did. I checked everything. Unfortunately, the power supply got too hot from something, fried itself and in the process it fried the CPU cooling as well. That PC was 7 years old... and replacing single parts is not worth it. So I just opted to try and get a new one. ^.^


Truly, that is more than anyone can even ask for and I am so eternaly grateful, believe me. Thank you - a thousand times.


Ich hab sie schon zu uns geholt. Sie wohnt jetzt hier erst mal. Ist natuerlich auch gerwoehnungssache und noch bisschen mehr kosten oben drauf aber als Familie haelt man einfach zusammen. Das ist klar. Du bist so suess. ^.^


I tried things. But unfortunately not only did the power supply get fried, it also fried the cpu cooling in the process. I have gotten a new pc but it won't be before next week that I get it here. ._.


Auf jeden Fall, meine Mutter hat damals nicht alles erzählt und hab manches erst später erfahren. Wird schon werden 👍🏻

TOURNIER Akhénaton

Hey! Just saw your post, hope your are okay right now. Make sure to take care of yourself and your family, especially your Mother. Take all the time you need, it's the more important ❤❤❤