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I'll be opening two commission slots and figured I'd let you guys here know before I post it on twitter (at least 4 hours in advance now, since I plan on posting it on twitter later). (◕‿◕)♡ I know .. 2 slots isn't really that much but I figured I'd rather open two to three slots in short bursts, than to take five all at once and make people wait a century for their renders.

If you'd like a commission, please comment below and remember, if you're a milky, you can milk me - all jokes aside, I mean if you're a milky, you get 20% off! ^-^)/)

Info on prices etc: http://sreliata.carrd.co !! ❤ Thank you so much.

PS: don't feel like you /have/ to comment or do anything.
This is, as I said, just a little heads-up here because you have priority.

EDIT: The slots have been taken! I'll be closing them again- but will open more of course, once these are done. Thank you so much, milkies. I feel the juices flowing out of me!!



I definitely would love to commission you!


gives a whole new meaning to the old ad slogan „got milk?“ 😂


I'm interested in commissioning you 💖 love ur work


"If you're a milky, you can milk me" 😆 I've never spat out my drink while reading something before lmao


Hello Daniel! ^.^ Have you had a look at the carrd, about the commission info's & prices? Just double checking - of course.


Hello Christina! ^.^ Have you had a look at the carrd, about the commission info's & prices? Just double checking - of course.


No judgement here! lmao Your quirkiness is charming. Haha!


Yes I checked it out- it's not problem!


Yay!! Wonderful!! Please message me with the details then - and, if possible, a reference! ^.^ you have one of the slots. <3


Yay!! Perfect. Please message me with the details and a possible reference, so we can talk about what's possible etc. <3


As you know, Jonas, I can't influence the draw so I don't know when the luck comes around! x_x


Damn, got a tad too late to the party, I would have loved to propose a rather... erm. Specific. Let's say... Milky commission. *cough*


Omg yay!! 💖💖💖Yes I will message you tonight!

Sreliata (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-29 15:48:50 Ah!! I will take more commissions after these of course. <3 I just don't want to overload myself!
2023-02-19 22:01:30 Ah!! I will take more commissions after these of course. <3 I just don't want to overload myself!

Ah!! I will take more commissions after these of course. <3 I just don't want to overload myself!