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(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Once again, for the second time today, I come in (y'alls face) here with something for you. This time, it isn't a render though, oh no ~ 'tis something else entirely.

A little present from me, to you. Well, two of you at least. Two - which I will let the randomizer decide, of course, not to be biased. It's going to be fair, square, and delicious like a good sack of chocolate. A chocolatesack (yes, this is now one word) if you so will.

After this little scrambled mess of a paragaph, I bet you wonder what on earth I am talking about?! So let's get right to it: I have recently gotten the two Amiibo Clouds for myself and while I was doing so, I figured, it'd be nice to just get them 'twice', so I can give you some, too.

Since these are two separate amiibo, there'll be two chosen ones (of you guys).
Again, the randomizer will do its work and I'll simply ship it forward. A little valentines day gift, quasi. (´• ω •`) ♡ ❤

I hope y'all are okay with the fact that I decided to get two giftées, rather than just one who receives both. I just figured..t he more love we can spread, the better, right? (And I don't mean our communal juicy ass-cheeks. I mean it literal).


With all that said, please let me know (in the comments below) if you want to partake in this, since I'd eventually need to ask for your address and such. Not everyone may be comfortable with handing information like that to me- which is why, instead of just doing a general milky presentio-gifting, I want to know who actually wants to be included in this.

Phew. I .. .. I wrote a lot just now, didn't I? Probably going on your nerves already.
Right! Better end it here. Last but not least however: Thank you, once again, for being here with me. Enjoy your Tuesday, know that I love you all and that I hope you're having a superb rest of your week, delicious food, good stool and belissimo dreams.

Yours truly,

❤ Sreli