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Aerith will be part of this picture, too! Just posing, still! Hopefully I can finish it until tomorrow - but wanted to give a little WIP, since I don't want you guys to go so long without anything from me here! (´,,•ω•,,)♡




Tifa looks hot!


Hat Tifa Akupunktur bekommen auf den rechten Bild? 😄 Sieht verdammt verführerisch aus, also links jetzt 😋


Das.. rechts - da siehst du die "Armature" also die einzelnen "Knochen" die ich bewegen muss damit Tifa letzten Endes in einer Pose endet. xD

TOURNIER Akhénaton

So far so good. Can't wait to see the end result! And my god, this look so complex to put in place. Good luck with it!


You can never have enough of Tifa. I’m looking forward to seeing it once it’s done. Oh, and I also have a question. Do you plan on doing some model of Garnet in the future?


Achso, sieht ein wenig aus wie Mathe früher und Winkelberechnung 😅 Auf jeden Fall ne Menge Arbeit wenn du alle einzeln bewegst Hat mich von ihrer üppigen Oberweite abgelenkt, sehe ich erst jetzt


I wish! Truly. Are you.. asking that because you saw Ria do it? ^.^ I honestly wish I were as good as her in making models- or that maybe she would share hers with me but.. it is what it is! ;_;


No, I didn’t see Ria do it. I like Garnet as much as Tifa and I just thought to myself, it’d be really good if you ever decided making model of Garnet. I also think you’ve been doing an outstanding job in making models


Looking at all those points, seeing all the work that goes into this, I can't appreciate it enough.


^.^ I am glad. It truly takes a lot of time to make renders. So it makes me happy that you enjoy the end results.


Hopefully you like the finished version (which I just posted now). <3