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Omg!! 😍 Makes me want to dive in head-first and join them! This is probably up there now as one of my favorite renders of yours, Sreli! <3


WOW. This one looks really amazing. I love it!


Omg this is soo good! They look so prettyy and I love how you put in so much detail too! Like you made the water transparent so we can actually see Tifa completely naked in there instead of just her boobs floating above lol! I always imagined these two would be comfy washing naked together and your render totally makes me want to join them. Amazing work as always 👏❤️


Ah!!! That makes me so happy to hear. Of course, water is usually transparent. XD and trust me if I could (and live there), I'd join them too!


Really? Oh my gosh. That is high praise!! I hope I continue to make nice renders you enjoy looking at! ^.^


Ich mag Aerith einladenen und Tifas zufriedenen Gesichtsausdruck. Zudem ist Tifas Frisur ganz süß 😊 Die gemütliche Atmosphäre lädt zum entspannen ein 😃


I love this, I'm so hard just looking at it, lmao. If only they were touching or kissing......


Since their culture is Japanese, I expect them to do this eventually. Since it's like a rite of passage to see your best girlfriends naked at a hot spring bath in an anime type story lol


Right? And in hotsprings, people are usually naked- or, if anything, just clad in a towel.


^.^ Ist ja in Japan was ganz natürliches. Und: freut mich dass dir ihre Frisur gefällt


Ja, ich kenn das aus diversen japanischen Filmen 😏😝