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Hii guys. Good morning. Happy birthday to me, and a very happy thanksgiving to you (those who celebrate it).


Today, I hope to finish the next part of Tifa's stripgame renders. Then, I'll be focusing on an upcoming Cloud NSFW stand-alone render (very nsfw..) and right after that, I'll be drawing one of my milkies (tier 3 patreons) for the win of this months render.

That means, I'll take all the Milkies into a bowl /randomizer and pull one winner from it. Afterwards, I'll contact that person so they can decide what they'd want the next render to be. Basically a commission, but at no cost. Due to the hardware limitations however, the render won't be able to contain more than 2 people or maximum three. Depending. I hope that's okay. (ಡ‸ಡ)

So that's that. That's the current situation.

Oh and, of course, it's also worth mentioning that in about 30 minutes, I'll go out, get some Chickenito (grilled chicken- that's what I call it), a nice salad, and a piece of cake. Because today is not a day to stay within the calories. That's for sure. Hihi.

Thank you, guys, for being here; for supporting me, and for making me feel loved in an art-world where often times, people say either nothing, or take everything for granted.

I truly, /truly/ appreciate you! Please know that.

And now, go, have some nice food, a piece of cake in my honor (if you can) and a super duper day.

Toodeloo ~
Salmon tatar.




Happy birthday mate! Hope you have a good one. Stay safe!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good one.


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy Birthday to ya


Happy birthday congratulations you made it another year

Mr Roboto

Happy Birthday incredibly talented and beautiful fellow Tifa and Honoka fan!


Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a great day and get to see your sister! :)


Will let her know! Thank you so much- happy thanksgiving to you also <3


Happy birthday „alte Schachtel“ 😋 wünsche dir und deiner Schwester einen schönen, entspannten und erfolgreichen Tag ✌️


Ey! Sag sowas nicht. XD wobei du leider Recht hast. Super-jung bin ich nicht mehr. <3 Dankeschön.


Ich weiß, du bist heute knackige 20 Jahre alt geworden, zwar zum xten Mal aber was solls <3

michael saunders

Happy Birthday and Thanksgiving. Hope you have a great day


hehe any hint what this very nsfw Cloud stand-alone render will be....... asking for a friend, of course


Happy birthday again Sreliata, enjoy your cake and turkey!! 🥳🎂🍗🎊

Tifas Feet07

You are so sweet. Hope you have an awesome birthday!

Sreliata (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 14:26:45 Rogue. Thank you!! <3 Have a wonderful day yourself.
2022-11-24 23:16:44 Rogue. Thank you!! <3 Have a wonderful day yourself.

Rogue. Thank you!! <3 Have a wonderful day yourself.


It'll be a commission that I am finally getting to.. of Cloud, touching himself! °_°)