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Hello, my patrons.

I'm sorry,Overwatch_Widowmaker, which was scheduled to be updated this week, will be postponed until next week.
In fact, I went down to my hometown last week because my mother was sick and went down to take care of her, so I had little time to do illustrations.
The illustration has been proceeded for some time, but it has not been completed yet, so I have to postpone it to next week.

In the last week, League of Legends_Qiyana and Lux will be updated simultaneously, and July will be voting to work on the limited edition of Tekken 7.
Thank you.



이번주 업데이트될예정이였던 오버워치 위도우메이커는 다음주로 미뤄지게됬습니다.


사실저번주에 고향에 내려간이유가 어머니가 아프셔서 간병하러내려갔기 떼문에 일러스트작업할시간이 거의없었습니다.

일러스트는 어느정도 진행을 했지만,아직미완성이기떼문에 다음주로 미루게되었습니다.

마지막주에는 리그오브레전드_키아나와 럭스가 동시 업데이트되며 7월달은 투표를 통해 철권7 한정판을 작업할예정입니다.



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