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Hello, this is BECHU.
First, I'd like to apologize. It may be sudden, but I don't think I'll be able to finish the November rewards in time.
Although I thought that writing my personal situation behind this may be giving pressure to the patrons in a way, and I felt bad about doing it. However, since I feel that I need to explain what's going on, I'm writing to inform you now.

Starting from few months ago, I've been suffering metrorrghagia and so I've been visitng a gynecologist for a while. Even after continuous intake of medicine, it is not getting any better, and the hospital had been warning me to not stress myself and rest. However, due to stressing myself from work and also getting a bladder infection during the same period, the health situation hasn't got any better.

There's a lot of bleeding to the point that I have to keep my sanitary pad on, and it's been worrying since this has never happened before. The hospital told me to look over it for now and if it doesn't get any better, they recommended to get surgery for it. If this comes to be the case, I'll let you know later in another post.

Since my body seems to be stressed to the point that I cannot work, I am taking rest for now. Although the comic/manga was supposed to be uploaded during the end of November, it seems that it'll be finished near the beginning of December instead. I apologize for this delay and I feel like part of this has to do with how I didn't take care of my body well few years back.

I'll try to work little by little as my body recovers. Thank you for reading, and I really apologize for not being able to update you with good news.


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