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Forgot to start one, whoopsies...

Aight so really the only rules for requests are I can't do anything in depth. If you want "Maddie getting fat but she has purple hair", come on now I gotchu fam. But stuff with lots of movement and props is just something I'm not that good at making.

Suggestions can be things like changing a certain characters appearance, not liking the look of videos/pics recently, it's kinda like your chance to give feedback pretty much. As long as you're not mean about it I prolly won't be offended. Feedback is something I really don't receive much of and I don't know if it's because there isn't a way for me to improve or if I'm for some reason giving the impression that it's not allowed. Other than "longer more in depth videos with voice actors", I am curious to see how you guys think I could improve.

That's really all for now so feel free to drop a comment if you have any requests or suggestions :D. Even if you think your idea might be a little much for me, please still share! Your ideas are what can help kickstart my brain into creating something like The Halloween Special or the upcoming Christmas Special :)

Oh and these posts are open for both Mega and Super Fans, it's just some of the Super Fans have been here long enough that it's not fair to not consider them Mega Fans.



Giantess weight gain?


Loved the inflation/expansion stuff with Xena! A more extensive one with a larger size, maybe in a club scene? Would be awesome!