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First off a very happy Thanksgiving to all those that are participating in the turkey day! And well,  Happy Thursday if ya don't :D

Second off, another special is coming! 'The Christmas Special' will be arriving late December! Hooray!

I'm really excited to get to work on another extra long animation for you guys and can't wait to start putting out more teasers the closer it gets to being finished!


With that out of the way I just want to make you all aware over the next month into the New Year I'll be making super slight adjustments to the look of the page and adjusting the wording to make the tier benefits easier to understand. 

'Mega Fans' now have the option to participate in a bi-weekly request thread to make any suggestions or ideas they might have. 

The biggest change everyone should be aware of is the Master/Unedited videos will now contain sound, effectively making them extended versions of the Patreon videos. For those unaware the Master/Unedited videos are just every single angle recorded for a video being played out at full length with the only edits being transitions, sometimes including clips I didn't use.


Phew, what a mouthful, and I still ain't finished...

Finally I would like to say with as much sincerity as possible, thank you, all of you, for being here and supporting this page. Having an outlet that allows me to create something that you all enjoy so much has brought a happiness to my life that was never there to begin with. So to those of you that have made it this far, thank you, you've given me something to work towards and I'm going to keep working and becoming a better creator as the only way to truly show how much I appreciate all of your support.

Thank you all again and Happy Thanksgiving!




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