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  • Away From The Party.mp4
  • Away From The Party wSkirt.mp4



1080p Link

Wanted to get this out to you all asap. It's not fully polished, but a watchable version.

I hope you all don't mind this one. I've been a bit ambitious with it, trying to get something out of all three characters.

Not to mention how all over the place the animation is. I'll hop back to it soon, I just want to get some of my Brigitte Christmas render for next week.

For now... Enjoy your holidays and time with family. And...
Happy Thursday, enjoy! :)

(58MB Download Each)

Edit: I've added some and some fixes. I had to remove the skirt because of a major issue with Eevee not likeing it behind the male dudes arm. I've included both versions with and without skirt just in case. One without skirt will be the main version. Google wasn't able to tell me how to fix the issue, so I had to work around it :(



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