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Mega Link (167MB Download)

Make sure to let me know if you like these KDA maid themes or not. It'll help me determine if I should do more or not :P

--------- Story Time!

You maybe a full grown man, but your rich parents still spoil you. It gets very difficult when your home is full of beautiful woman who so happen to be music stars, and you’ve been told not to do anything with them. Probably the most difficult part is that they have access to everywhere they need to make sure the place is clean. Including your bedroom.

You were just sleeping when you wake up to Seraphine dusting the pillars of your bed. She looks at you and gives a smile. She’s not bothered that you’re in boxer shorts, but what does catch her attention is the sudden rise. You realise your member is sticking out and raging.

Seraphine: Good morning, Master!
You: Mmm…
Seraphine: You’ve grown there. I don’t want you making a mess.
You: I…
Seraphine: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Just keep quiet.

Seraphine starts stroking you and looking at your member. Moving closer and closer. It’s not 30 seconds till she starts licking

Seraphine: I hope my tongue is good enough. Maybe more?
You: Imm…
Seraphine: You’re such a spoilt boy, master.

She starts putting the head in her mouth. Slowly sucking… Then Akali comes out of no where and slams her head into your member. Deep throating.

Akali: Hey, Master. Glad you’re awake. Need your input!
Seraphine: Hmmm!?
Akali: I found your secret photo stash. Wondering if you want them cleaned.
Seraphine: HmmmmmMMm!!
Akali: Especially the sneaky you took of up my skirt. I’m impressed!
Seraphine: Hdmtgr!! jejergerg! Jegmnerg!
Akali: I’ll let you keep it. Not even I noticed you. Got skill!
Akali: Suck up every last drop and I won’t tell his parents, missy!

Despite Akali talking, Seraphine did indeed continue sucking. Akali knew how close you were getting and could tell the fear was speeding up the process. Nonetheless, Seraphines throat was filled as she continued to suck and swallow. Eventually, Akali let her breath

Akali: Oh… You really enjoyed that, girl!
Seraphine: Hooh.. Hooh.. I… Huh..
Akali: Scootch back. I wanna ride this bone.
Seraphine: Won.. That make… Things worse?
Akali: You started it by sucking him.
Seraphine: Oh…
Akali: Come here.

Akali pulls Seraphine in and makes out with her. Sharing saliver and any white sauce left. As Akali slowly strokes you, non of them appear to notice the new guest in the room.

Akali: Fluff up his pillow, won’t you?
Seraphine: Uh.. Sure

Akali lifts herself up and slowly drops down on you. You can feel warmth all around your member. Whilst Seraphine’s boobs massage your face like a cosy pillow. It’s not long before Ahri suddenly appears to scare the two.

Ahri: You want me to tell his parents, or...?
Seraphine: Uhh….
Akali: Uuhh… Fuck.
Ahri: Relax. Can I join you, Master?
You: Yeah, of course… (Is this even choice?)

Being deep inside Akali and surrounded by Seraphine and Ahri’s boobs. You can’t tell if it’s a dream or not.

Ahri: I can read your face… This isn’t a dream, master.
Seraphine: We can always prove it?
Akali: I ride and you finger them, Master.

Akali riding you whilst you finger the other two. It was a beautiful foursome. They did their best to keep quiet, but their moans had to go somewhere before you released.

Akali: Shh.... Keep quiet.
Seraphine: Do you mind if we do this again?
Akali: If you can keep your moans under control.
Seraphine: I can, I just... Got carried away.
Akali: Cool, can always do comp. Who can mess with Master the most!
Ahri: I think that’ll overload the master.
You: What about the other two?
Akali: Kai and Eve? Hmm…
Ahri: A little… Magic won’t hurt, would it?
Seraphine: A little dangerous.
Akali: And fun. Just our little secret, master!
Seraphine & Ahri: Agreed!
Akali: Also, Master… I challenge you to get better skirt pics ;)

The end, for now :P


I may have rushed this a little because I was knee deep in God of War Ragnarok. One person I'd like to point towards in that game is Lady Sif. She got booty!

Anyway, this is a pretty simple set. Not too complicated, despite 4 armature rigs. I was going to include all girls, but I had trouble just including Ahri into the mix. So I downsized a bit. These three are the favorites, so I stuck them for this :P

Hopefully you all like it :D
Do enjoy!

Mega Link (167MB Download)



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