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Mega Link (209MB Download)

Not exactly wintery, but I made this anyway :P

This one is based off Aromasensi's work.

--------- Story Time!

Entering a prestigious University. There was a lot of opportunities for students. During her studies, Gwen found herself going to Canada. A well earned break.

It is a holiday. Why not have a little fun whilst away? Gwen agreed to meet you at a small town “coffee shop”. Turns out to be a bar.

You: I’m here!
Gwen: You sneeeeeaaaaky snake. I got ID’d at the door.
You: Hey, I didn’t realise. I found this place online.
Gwen: Meh. I’m 2 pints in.
You: Wait… Oh… The drinking age...
Gwen: Is 19 in Canada, and guess whooooo’s 20 next month.
You: Take it easy, you’re not use to that much yet.
Gwen: Bitch, you don’t know me.
You: Attitude…
Gwen: Hahahaha… Take a sip :)
You: I will when I feel like it.
Gwen: C’mon, don’t be such a loooooser.

Taking a sip, you notice Gwen staring at you

You: Hello, eyeballs.
Gwen: I have a gift…
You: Crawling on walls isn’t exactly new to me.
Gwen: Not thaaaaaat kind of gift. A little something more… Fuuun.
You: What is it?
Gwen: Your haaaaaand pretty pleeeease.

Gwen feels your hand for a moment, getting a little tingle and buzz. Then she leaves you with a remote.

You: What’s this for?
Gwen: Fiiiiiind out.
You: Any button in particular?
Gwen: The BIG plus one.

Pressing the plus button, you immediately notice Gwen rubbing her thighs together

Gwen: Heeek. That’s strong
You: Did you just give me a remote to a…
Gwen: Dense brain finally gets it.
You: In that case…

You press the button again. You hear a faint vibrator noise coming from Gwen. After a few moments calms down with her hands on her underwear, and starts to look around.

After a couple more moments, she lifts her skirt and shows you her red glow.

Gwen: This is what you’re doing right now :P
You: That thing lights up?
Gwen: Yeeeep!
You: Keep it down.
Gwen: Relaaaaaaaaax, this place is deserted mostly.
You: Have you looked around?
Gwen: Yup, I know how to scope out places ;)
You: Doesn’t help the hard on here...
Gwen: Oh, sowwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee!

To make it up to you. Gwen pushes her panties aside. Rubbing herself and lifting her leg up on the table.

Gwen: Does this help?
You: A little.
Gwen: Whaaa? Only a “little”. As little as your-
You: Getting ruder.
Gwen: Ugh, try this then.

Gwen takes her underwear off, gets up on the seat and begins showcasing her rear to you.

Gwen: Some bootay?
You: Helps a lot
Gwen: Which part?
You: Both.
Gwen: You sexy, dirty fucker. Where’s the nearest motel?
You: Next door
Gwen: Wraps?
You: pack of 10
Gwen: You only neeeed one. You can’t last 10 boxing round with this pro goochy.
You: You’re on.

The end… For now :P


This one took a moment to make. Unfortuantly, this isn't the best Gwen model around. She has major weighting issues, espeically with her knees. I had to redo them for this set. Hopefully I'll be getting a new Gwen model soon.

Nonethless, I've used the more movie accurate hair and followed this up a little from the previous animation I did. Let me know you like this hair better!

In the mean time, this is your first Prime set of the year.
Please enjoy! :D

Mega Link (209MB Download)

EDIT: Image 17 had clipping on it. Fingers going through the skirt. I've fixed it and reuploaded. Enjoy! :P



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